View Images A green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas , an endangered species, swims over a southern Caribbean reef. Turtles and tortoises belong to the order of reptiles known as Chelonia. The word “ tortoise," on the other hand, is usually used to refer to turtles that spend most of their time on land… A sea turtle gets really big. Is it just a fancy way to say “turtle”? That being said, in general there are a few commonly accepted distinctions between turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. Turtle is often used to refer to sea turtles that rarely leave the ocean. They are both reptiles from the same family (Testudines or Chelonian). They are both species of turtle however are different because they can only survive in there specified habitat. Sea turtles can be omnivores, carnivores, or herbivores depending on their species. What is the difference between Sea Turtle and Land Turtle? Sea turtles have something called a Sea turtles is commonly heard, but what is a land turtle? In the United States, the term ‘turtles’ is given to chelonians that live in or near water. Young or newborn sea turtles are omnivores that will eat plants and very small water creatures. Well, actually, there’s a meaningful difference between tortoises and other turtles. Indeed, the difference really depends on where you live; within the USA the word terrapin is rarely, if ever used. The last difference between turtles and tortoises is shell shape. In general, both turtles and tortoises (as well as other reptiles) lay their eggs on land — it's what makes them different from amphibians, which need water for … By adulthood, most sea turtles switch to a diet of vegetation only. Turtles and tortoises are closely related. No. • Turtles can follow the magnetic fields of the Earth whereas there … Land turtles are usually omnivores, which means they will eat both meat and plants. differences [Continued] Another difference between a sea turtle and a land turtle is their food.Sea turtles eat fish and other sea animals.Turtles eat mostly grasses and plants.Baby sea turtles eat small things like seaweed and fish eggs. differences [Continued] Another difference between a sea turtle and a land turtle is their food.Sea turtles eat fish and other sea animals.Turtles eat mostly grasses and plants.Baby sea turtles eat small things like seaweed and fish eggs. • Sea turtles live in the sea and come to shore only for egg laying, whereas land turtles always live on land and barely go to water. A third term, “terrapin,” is sometime used to describe freshwater turtles as opposed to sea turtles. Of course, turtle can also refer to the many types of turtles that live in fresh water, such as lakes or ponds. What is a tortoise anyway? Shells differ between different species of turtles. Their legs, front and back, are flippers, and not toes. A tortoise has more of a dome shape to its shell. A land turtle is known as tortoise. While the term “turtle” is used in a general way to refer to any member of this group, “tortoise” is usually reserved for a chelonian that lives strictly on land. The main difference between the two is that turtle is the name given to water-dwellers and tortoise is the name given to land-dwellers. Sometimes, the name "terrapin" is used to refer to an animal that falls somewhere between a turtle and a tortoise. Terrapins and turtles are both aquatic reptiles, but much disagreement exists about the differences between these two chelonians. Because aquatic turtles spend time in the water, a turtle shell is flatter for streamlined swimming. Terrapins live in swampy areas or begin life underwater and eventually move to dry land. Tortoises are turtles that live on land and aren't equipped for water. What is the difference between Turtle and Terrapin?