Red gram (pigeon pea) is less suitable for the tropics. The newly hatched first instar larvae were minute, active and white and devoid of spots on their body. Faeces in the form of granules are found inside the damaging pods. * The larvae eats up the floral buds. * Small larvae eat up the green portion of the plant. Home Agriculture Farming Green Gram Cultivation Information Guide. Black-eyed pea, a common name used for the unguiculata cultivar group, describes the presence of a distinctive black spot at the hilum of the seed. pod borer and are in agreement with present findings. Helicoveropa armigera. Green grams grow best at an altitude of 0-1600 m above sea level and under warm climatic conditions (28 to 30degC). Gram Pod Borer. ... What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Bean pod borer? They are well adapted to red sandy loam soils, but also do reasonably well on not too exhausted sandy soils. Damage. * The larvae eat up the bulged portion of the pods. Diseases of Green gram, Black gram In Myanmar Sr. Pathogen Common Name Order Family ... Sr. Scientific Name Common Name Order Family 1 Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus ear ... gram Maruca testulalis Spotted pod borer Lepidoptera Pyralidae Current List (NZAID) 52 Gram pod borer : Blue butterfly : Grass blue butterfly Common Name. They are drought tolerant and will give reasonable yields with as little as 650 mm of yearly rainfall. Hardwick (1965) reviewed the New World corn earworm species complex and the Old World African bollworm, most of which had previously been referred to as a single species (Heliothis armigera or H. obsoleta), and pointed out that there was a complex of species and subspecies involved. TNAU Agritech Portal :: Crop Protection . The newly hatched larvae bore into the unopened flowers. M. vitrata causes the most damage to the growing cowpea due to … IPM. We need you to answer this question! They feed inside the pod reaching a length of 14 mm. Green grams are not tolerant to wet, poorly drained soils. The most favourable temperature range is 18-30ºC. Green Gram Cultivation Information Guide. The second instar They are generally found in maturing and dried pods. By. The name was most likely acquired due to their use as a fodder crop for cows. These pests were the major key pests which caused colossal yield losses. Nobody explained they has been bad, he or she is merely a laying bastard, it lets you do do injury because those give up their funds since they think they’re discovering real email expertise and that might change their own total view on lifestyle when they feel great abilitiies are present. Pod borer is a notorious pest of chickpea causing heavy damage to the crop. pod borer and are in agreement with present findings. Red gram can be grown in almost all soil types that are not very poor in lime and are not subjected to waterlogging. The crop is grown at a wide range of elevation. at the reproductive stage and remained available upto the maturity of the crop. Young caterpillars of the lima bean pod borer are green, later turning red.