7 answers. Answer. You don't personally know their pets or situation. I would never let them free range together, but I don't think it is fair to judge someone else if they do. However, especially when on sale, I have been noticing more and more that the price difference between the two is shrinking. To tell the difference between weasel and ferret or to know about ferret vs mink is quite tricky because of the obvious reasons. One seems to be a cousin of the other with both having long tubular bodies although in different dimensions. Both of them are social creatures who love playing around.Ferrets need much more attention than rats as they have a tendency to escape and cause mayhem. Wiki User May 14, 2011 12:42AM. What is the difference between Stoat and Ferret? I know tons about rats, and a little bit about ferrets, but what I'm looking for is a comparison between the two, personal experiences, and you could throw in … • Categorized under Animals | Difference Between Ferret and Weasel Weasel and ferret are some of the confusing animals unless closely looked at. Ferrets smell musky. The main difference between polecat and ferret is: Visual. Chins smell like rodents. There was a significant difference between groups for plasma corticosterone release, t(9) = 2.31, p = .05, but the examination of the means (1.37 μg/dl for ferret feces-exposed rats and 3.14 μg/dl for rat feces-exposed rats) revealed that rats exposed to conspecific feces had slightly higher corticosterone levels. Ferret poop is like gorilla glue. Since domesticated ferrets are all one breed, they're all quite similar. I know that most ferrets would eat rats, but I also believe that ferrets, rats, and other pets can be intelligent enough to learn the difference between … Ferrets poop in corners. A chinchilla is an herbivore and a rodent. While the Ferrets who live in the wild have a wider choice of food if they can’t find Prairie dogs, like small mammals, lizards and bird’s eggs, their choices are limited. As nouns the difference between muskrat and weasel is that muskrat is a large aquatic rodent; while weasel is the least weasel, mustela nivalis . They have some common underlying characteristics. Ferret The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela of the family Mustelidae. The ferret, nose-to-tail can grow as large as 24 inches long. For example, today, Ferret.com has the Ferret Nation on sale for $195.49 and the Critter Nation on sale for $203.99. As nouns the difference between muskrat and ferret is that muskrat is a large aquatic rodent; while ferret is an often domesticated mammal rather like a weasel, descended from the polecat and often trained to hunt burrowing animals or ferret can be (dated) a tape of silk, cotton, or ribbon, used to tie documents, clothing, etc or along the edge of fabric. For example, today, Ferret.com has the Ferret Nation on sale for $195.49 and the Critter Nation on sale for $203.99. What happens to pets left at a vet's office? However, I went to the pet store today and held one of the ferrets they had, and I fell in love with it. However, especially when on sale, I have been noticing more and more that the price difference between the two is shrinking. However, aside from that, there isn't a difference between the different ferret colors and patterns in terms of personality! Both creatures can squeeze … • Ferrets have a larger body and tail than stoats • Ferrets have a facial mask which is not there in case of stoats • Stoats have a … I know ferrets can kill rats and whatnot but would their dna match up in order for a rat to breed a ferrat, or rat-ferret. The Ferret Nation is often cheaper than the Critter Nation. Often people with no experience find it hard to differentiate it between both the mammals, which are different from each other but at the same time they are interconnected with each other. Ferrets can grow as long as 24 inches starting from their nose to tail. I'm seriously thinking about getting a ferret to roam in the coops at night. That is less than a $10 difference. Weasels range in size from 5 to 18 inches, with a tail up to 13-inches long. 2 Answers. What is the difference between a ferret and a rat? The main difference between Ferret and Mink is that the Ferret is a subspecies of mammal and Mink is a mammal. As a verb weasel is to achieve by clever or devious means. It is challenging to determine specific areas of difference and commonality since there are a number of types of both animals. I've wanted to get rats as pets for a long time now, and I had my heart set on owning a few. I'm not sure which I should go with. The Ferret Nation is often cheaper than the Critter Nation. Main Difference. It was so playful and cute, and now I'm having second thoughts about the rats. Ferrets are relatively bigger and longer than weasels which makes it easier to draw a distinction between them. However, there are some small differences. No, they are not the same but hear me out, ermine is not only an animal, but it’s only conditional.