While you should care for your flock, there are times when you must be realistic. Sheep & Lambs for Sale from across the UK. Originally published in sheep! Our intention was to turn grass into lamb for our freezer, perhaps with a small surplus to sell to friends and family. I know you need to have a company horse so the first one doesn't get lonley, but that would cost quite a lot of money. You may want to run them after cattle or combine with a hay crop and that will affect your calculation, but a good starting point is to allow five sheep/acre. It is difficult to estimate this cost, as bedding costs vary and different types of bedding can be used: straw, hay, shavings, newspaper, etc. First decide how much land you are going to allocate to sheep and then work out how many you need. Hey Guys, Does anyone know roughly how much it costs to look after a sheep/goat/donkey? Cull any problem animals. Buy or sell your sheep & other livestock on farmingads.co.uk. Buy or sell your sheep & other livestock on farmingads.co.uk. Cost to keep a sheep for one year. the sheep i will b getting will have constant supply of bahia grass to feed on except for in the winter when it doesnt grow as fast. Sheep & Lambs for Sale from across the UK. Furthermore, sheep are … UK Rules And Regulation; How Much Do Chickens Cost? Online tools to give you a snapshot of how changes in feed, forage and other costs for beef cattle and sheep will affect your net margins [Withdrawn] Livestock farming business calculators - GOV.UK Keeping chickens can be a relatively low cost pet, but unlike lots of other pets they produce food for you! Want to start your own sheep flock? in 2002 and regularly vetted for accuracy. if you dont know and you have sheep tell me how much it cost to feed your sheep a month and what they feed on besides the feed you give them. It is an easy beginners’ mistake to decide how many sheep you want first, but 20 sheep are not twice as difficult to keep than 10. The first part of this article provides information on keeping yourself legal in terms of sheep movements and identification, and below there is more general … Ed note: Prices from 2002. An Introduction to Keeping Sheep We started keeping sheep in September 2007 when we bought three registered Coloured Ryeland ewe lambs from a friend of ours. DIY Stabled Livery can be expected to cost around £30-£40 per week. Another advantage of keeping a horse at a livery yard is that the yard will fully maintain the fields used. … Create email alert. The cost of a replacement ewe varies by age, breed, health status, and registration. Browse Sheep & Lambs for Sale in the UK. You can even sell the eggs to friends and family. Costs of keeping a horse on a livery yard vary depending on the type of livery offered. There are start up costs which can be expensive but the cost of keeping chickens when you have got all the things you need is surprisingly cheap. Be it half a dozen ewes or several hundred, the same principles apply. Buy or sell your sheep & other livestock on farmingads.co.uk. So I was thinking that we could have some sheep/goat/donkey.