Like all complete sentences in English, an interrogative sentence must contain a subject and a verb. Her honesty in all that she does is truly admirable. An example would be: "Her gusto was admirable, but even Susan's brash confidence wouldn't help us in this situation." adjective. b. Fragment (incomplete) Sentence. 53. 3. 444. 566. The two black obelisks above-mentioned, which are now in the British Museum, show the admirable finish which prevailed at this period. am Anfang oder am Ende des komplexen Satzes)? His plans are admirable ambitious: he wants to master worthy of respect and admir. For example: When is the deadline? Search Ludwig and find the best examples of use! The two black obelisks above-mentioned, which are now in the British Museum, show the admirable finish which prevailed at this period. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those in Northern I Does your English sentence make sense? They admire you for what you have accomplished. Für can benutzt man häufig die Ersatzformen to be able to oder to be allowed to.Das liegt daran, dass man von can nur das Simple Past bilden kann (could).Möchte man einen Satz in anderen Zeitformen bilden, dann nimmt man die … admirable in a sentence. Es gibt 3 Grundtypen von if-Sätzen. : England does not possess a more admirable competitor and the doughty Lancastrian has been cruelly served by umpiring standards in this series. 2. Anyone who has studied more than one language can attest that English is not the easiest to understand at times — and these strange sentences are proof that words can take on different meanings depending on simple things like commas, words with multiple meanings, and which word is emphasized. This book allows you to study new words and find out what they mean and also make sentences with phrases from the book.Click on the following link to download the book English translation of admirable traits in context. Cookies help us deliver our services. uk. Wo steht der if-Satz (z.B. Meaning of admirable in English. Useful phrases for making sentences in English over 15000 phrases to learn free 15000 useful phrases to help learn English. Useful phrases for making sentences in English over 15000 phrases to learn free 15000 useful phrases to help learn English. So, a fragment sentence is just a piece of a sentence: it is incomplete because it is missing a subject, a predicate, or another necessary word. In this sentence, "deadline" is the subject and "is" is the verb. I admire your courage. High quality example sentences with “an admirable example” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English “Admirable.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, English words and Examples of Usage use "admirable" in a sentence The construction of the roof is particularly admirable. The book is admirable in respect of style. The construction of the roof is particularly admirable. The author of this amusing and admirable history of the English language argues powerfully for universal linguistic tolerance. admire Sentence Examples. However, here the word order is usually changed to put the verb before the subject. The colonel is an admirable man who has won numerous medals of valor. . admirable Sentence Examples. Welche Ersatzformen kann man anstelle von can verwenden?. 4. 7. exact. Many examples all from reliable sources. How can I put and write and define admirable in a sentence and how is the word admirable used in a sentence and examples? I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it.