Technically, giraffes are classified as artiodactyls, or even-toed ungulates—which puts them in the same mammalian family as whales, pigs, deer, and cows, all of which evolved from a "last common ancestor" that probably lived sometime during the Eocene epoch, about 50 million years ago. Host Gator 60% Off. 50 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes - 50 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes including Basic Giraffe Facts, Giraffe Neck & Body Facts, Giraf - 50 Facts About Giraffes with Basic Giraffe Facts, Giraffe Mating Facts, Giraffe Diet, Giraffe Conservation, Fun Giraffe Facts & more! LiveScience. 2) Well known for their long necks, these gentle giants are the world’s tallest living land animals. Check out our ten facts about the beautiful giraffe…. READ MORE: Animals in Kenya (A Guide to 40 Species) You know they're tall—the tallest mammals in the world, in fact—but here are 20 other fun facts about these leggy herbivores. 1) Giraffes are found in the dry savannas of Africa, where they roam among the open plains and woodlands. ... 50 Fun Facts about Ireland. by Zunaira Ali April 29, 2019, 6:06 pm. 50 Astonishing Facts about NASA. Trending Hot Popular 0 Shares. Giraffes are the tallest land animals on earth thanks in part to their distinctive necks which alone can reach almost 2 meters in height. Giraffes were recently added to the IUCN’s Endangered Species List, with several subspecies currently listed as critically endangered. 4 years ago ... 50 cm long (18 – 20 inches).The giraffes long tongue helps them separate the juicy green leaves from the harsh thorns.Also is frequently used for cleaning its nose. 1. 50 Astonishing Facts about NASA. Fun Giraffe Facts for Kids. Get Paid to Teach Online. No two giraffes have the same spot pattern. Giraffe tongues and lips are tough and specially adapted to allow giraffes to forage on trees that other animals would avoid, such as acacias, which are very thorny. But because they’re able to breed all year round, giraffes don’t need to ‘resynchronise’ with the seasons each time they give birth. New-born giraffes stand at around 6 feet tall, making them taller than most adult humans. The step taken by the giraffe is about 15 feet in length. There’s just something about these long-necked animals that captures our imagination. The step taken by the giraffe is about 15 feet in length. ... One of the surprising giraffe facts is that giraffes can run over 30 miles (or 50 kilometers) per hour! Giraffe facts continue to fascinate people of all ages. It’s time for the lowdown on one of nature’s gentle giants! Hubspot Free CRM Welcome to, a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off! Giraffe Facts: 10 Fun Facts about Giraffes. A Giraffe Can Shatter a Lion’s Skull with 1 Kick. Giraffe tongues are long, reaching around 20–21 in (50–53 cm) in length. The kick of giraffe is so strong that it can also kill a lion. Over short distances, giraffes can run at speeds up to 35 mph. These unusual looking creatures have long necks and eat from the tops of trees. A male giraffe can weigh as much as a pick up truck! Giraffes usually only have a single baby, born after a 15-month gestation period. So here’s a look at 50 fascinating facts about Giraffes, including the most common subspecies, their diets, and what’s being done to save them. 11 Facts About Giraffes. Trending Hot Popular 0 Shares. ... 50 Fun Facts about Ireland. The kick of giraffe is so strong that it can also kill a lion. We’ve been learning a lot from reading National Geographic Kids’s book 5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) 5. ... "Fun Facts About Giraffes." Interesting facts about giraffes. So check out these top thirty fun facts about giraffes right here! What colour is a giraffe’s tongue? No two giraffes have the same spot pattern. by Zunaira Ali April 29, 2019, 6:06 pm. 50 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes - 50 Fascinating Facts About Giraffes including Basic Giraffe Facts, Giraffe Neck & Body Facts, Giraf - 50 Facts About Giraffes with Basic Giraffe Facts, Giraffe Mating Facts, Giraffe Diet, Giraffe Conservation, Fun Giraffe Facts & more!