Chris Hemsworth isn’t done making Marvel movies yet, ... ” obviously references Thor’s status and powers as the god of thunder — powers that will seemingly pass over to Jane Foster … If there's one thing that Jane Foster is going to be remembered for above all else, it's that she was worthy. Jane Foster is Marvel's Best Thor - So They're Killing Her. Now, following the death of the Valkyrior during the WAR OF THE REALMS, Jane has found herself in a new role: Valkyrie.In VALKYRIE #1 by Jason Aaron and Al Ewing with art by Cafu and Jesus Aburtov, Jane Foster is beginning a new adventure -- but this is obviously not her first time in a heroic role. Most notably, Natalie Portman's Jane Foster is not in Thor: Ragnarok, which may come as a shock to fans since she is both the main love interest and ally to Thor in the first two movies. From the first time that Jane Foster lifted Mjolnir, she knew that doing so could very well be the death of her. 0; … In a cave deep below the surface of Midgard, a cloaked and hooded god stands over the body of an ancient jet-black god. She proved that a human could become a god and gave everything she had in her life to protect humans and Asgardians alike. Most notably, Natalie Portman's Jane Foster is not in Thor: Ragnarok, which may come as a shock to fans since she is both the main love interest and ally to Thor in the first two movies… Marvel Prepares Fans For The Death of Thor In 2014, Marvel introduced fans to Jane Foster's new Mighty Thor. Jane Foster bids farewell to the Earth-1610 Mjolnir as it returns to her, crumbling; however, its shards combine and merge into a golden bracelet that forms on her arm. In 2014, Marvel unveiled the brand new Thor. Jane Foster notices that the Earth-1610 Mjolnir is about to shatter from the battle, and she hurls it one last time at Laufey. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with many bittersweet romances, from Tony Stark and Pepper Potts to Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. Jane Foster has been through her fair share of battles, in the literal and personal sense. Thor: The Dark World isn't anyone's favorite Marvel movie, but its decidedly 'meh' reception wasn't the driving force behind Portman's Jane Foster being sidelined (and eventually, all but written out) within the MCU. From what we can gather from various interviews and reports from pre-production, behind-the-scenes drama is solely to blame. The Judaeo-Christian tradition stresses the sacrificial nature of God and his Son, and the Thor franchise has often toyed with a … She rejected the accords, and would became a ally of the Secret Avengers, treating many members. Jane Foster may not be Thor any longer, but in many ways she will always be Thor. Foster would also be informed of Thor's death by the Warriors Three, amidst his battle against the Serpent Cul Borson. Share 0 Comments. 'JANE': Four Stars (Out of Five) A documentary biopic about the life and work of Jane Goodall. Dr. Jane Foster is an American astrophysicist, who found Thor after he was banished to Earth by Odin. Jane Foster has deep roots in Thor’s comics. Jane returned to a civilian life, where she became a doctor and physician for Tony Stark during the Civil War. Marvel Comics wants you to know that Jane Foster will make the "ultimate heroic sacrifice" in an epic showdown with Mangog in Mighty Thor #705. The actress was present during Thor's return to Asgard and witnessed him forcing "Odin" to reveal that he was in fact Loki in disguise. Biography. An Asgardian Actress portrayed Jane Foster in The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard.. In the play, Jane Foster is present at the Second Battle of Svartalfheim where she witnesses Loki being fatally wounded and his subsequent death.. Marvel Teases The Death of Mighty Thor's Jane Foster. By Brandon Davis - December 13, 2019 05:22 pm EST. Now, Jason Aaron's epic is coming to its inevitable - and tragic - conclusion. She's since become Marvel's best Thor to date; it's just a shame her story can only end in death. Having had a vision prophesying that the ancient dark god's resurrection will lead him to victory, the god takes a flask of the sap of Yggdrasill - which has the power to restore anything to life - and pours it into the corpse's open chest cavity. The first two Thor movies found the Norse god (Chris Hemsworth) falling for Natalie Portman’s astrophysicist Jane Foster. The death of Jane Foster is a beautiful and poignant sacrifice; it's also, in thematic terms, a death that turns the typical story upside-down. Marvel Studios stated that in an announcement that the character will be updated from the comics' initial portrayal for the feature adaptation. Jane Foster contacted Erik Selvig to ask if he could help her with her investigations. Jane Foster is the deuteragonist in Thor and Thor: The Dark World.She is an astrophysicist and Thor's love interest.. Development . With Thor: Ragnarok due out in November, fans have been left wondering as to the fate of the high-profile love affair between Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) — until now! Jane originally debuted in September 1962’s Journey into Mystery #84. Avengers: Endgame - We Were Supposed To Find Out Jane Foster Died Early In The Movie. When Natalie Portman was brought on board to play the female lead of the Thor franchise back in 2009, surely she imagined that she'd have a more substantial role to play than what she ended up with.