Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Nazis falsely considered the Jews to be a race. Anti-Semitism was still accepted in half of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century and this attitude singled out the Jew as a threat to the "master" race. …why he singled out the Jews for extermination. I think this only indicates why he singled them out as a propaganda focus. Answer #4 According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, "The Nazis believed that all of history was a fight between It’s difficult to imagine a society where millions upon millions are murdered because of their religion and race. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Why were Jews singled out for extermination? According to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust “Approximately 11 million people were killed because of Nazi genocidal policy” (“Victims”). Other groups, such as Gypsies were also the target of death-camp genocide, while other nationalities were subject to semi-genocidal policies. I found out in the third website there were other people besides the Jews in the Holocaust. They considered the Jews a race whose goal was world domination and who, therefore, were … Overall the Jews were singled out for extermination due to the Nazis racial beliefs and pure hatred for them. Polish Jews probably made up the most important crew killed in the camps. The basis for Nazi antisemitism—prejudice against or hatred of Jewish people—was the Nazis’ distorted worldview of human history as racial struggle. The explanation of the Nazis' implacable hatred of the Jew rests on their distorted world view which saw history as a racial struggle. Start studying 13 HOLOCAUST QUESTIONS AND VOCAB. They incorrectly believed Jews had a natural impulse, inherited through generations, to strive for world domination, … A 16. Why Were the Jews singled out for extermination? They weren’t “singled out” for exterminations. WHY WERE THE JEWS SINGLED OUT FOR EXTERMINATION? ... Identify groups other than Jews who were singled out for the Final Solution. Please see related question. Auschwitz. Get an answer for 'Why were the Jews singled out for persecution so frequently from the year 68 C.E. ANSWER #1 According to the United States Memorial Museum it says that the Nazi's thought that the Jew's were the cause of all of their problems. Why were the Jews singled out for extermination? A and C the polish were the first invaded upon and killed along with the warsaw ghetto it was called a center of Jews. These factors were combined to point to the Jew as a target for persecution by the Nazis. Why were the Jews singled out for extermination? By the By when they killed the poles they wanted to and they had blonde hair blue eyed children they took them into the youth camps and made good little nazis out of them.