• Males are larger and heavier than the females. For example, I can have a row of doves sitting on my fence, one goes down to feed and then another promptly follows and chases the other away with no intention of feeding. If you ever wanted to see how to pigeons and other birds have sex then you want to watch this video on how to pigeons have sex. How Do Pigeons Have Sex. I think this is why it can be hard to tell if a pigeon is male or female, unless they lay an egg! ... Why do mourning doves chase each other? Instead of nesting in trees, pigeons prefer to start their families in the safety of rocky cliff-faces, or if in a more urban environment, then tucked away in the sides of buildings. Adult pigeon pecking baby pigon - why? What is the difference between Male and Female Pigeons? Incubation last for about 18 days and the young will leave the nest in 25 to 29 days after hatching. There is no way to tell the difference between a male and female by … Unlike mammals, pigeons do not have visible reproductive organs, but it's possible to guess their genders based on behavior and differences in their appearance. Both male and female pigeons share equally in the nesting duty, dividing the responsibility of incubating their eggs to give the other a chance to eat and rest. This type of bird behavior can be valuable for birders to understand because knowing how birds claim territory will help birders understand the great lengths birds … About a year ago I caught a pigeon that was hanging around I and started caring for him. Dove chases and social displays. Female pigeons are less vocal than males, but will coo to greet their mates or grunt as a warning to those approaching their nests. Here is … Read More "Julie Craves explains why male birds usually outnumber females" Pigeons are a bird of many MANY colors and patterns. Overall, anyone who is an expert on animals, the courtship and mating process, the male always or usually initiate in other animals except humans? You can't tell male pigeons from female based on color. This time frame is considerably longer than most birds. Usually it is unattached males looking for a female. Some studies have shown that females use the brightness of a male… About a year ago I caught a pigeon that was hanging around I and started caring for him. Wild birds need the best possible territory for feeding, mating, and raising young, and they claim that territory in a variety of ways. puffing out feathers, etc) when they have bonded to a human. • Male pigeons perform an attractive dance following the female, while female watches it and shows her acceptance by simply dropping the wings down before mating. The female accepts feeding by the male, then crouches low to accommodate mating.