Snow Goose Range Map, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology These loud, white-and-black geese can cover the ground in a snowy blanket as they eat their way across fallow cornfields or … They fly south for the winter in huge, honking flocks that may appear as a "V" formation or simply as a large "snowstorm" of white birds. They finished by saying that with the warmer weather expected this weekend they feel they are … Along with the simple decreasing population, Snow Geese seem to be staging in agricultural fields “across the pond” on the other side of … Snow Geese have skyrocketed in numbers and are now among the most abundant waterfowl on the continent. So Where Are the Snow Geese? My guide contacts have been telling me that most of the geese are stacked up in the northern half of Arkansas and southern parts of MO, IL, and Kansas. Staff stated that the lead edge of the Snow goose migration is approaching them rapidly. Reported on 3-25 that they are starting to see really good numbers of Snow geese. In short, they’re in New York or passing through. Snow geese are harbingers of the changing seasons. With the crazy weather we have been having across the Midwest many of us our wondering where are the geese? Vermont has lost its goose empire to the Empire State. Snow Goose Whites.