It has the other common names as well which are American anole, American green anole, red-throated anole. Anole Annals Needs You for Our Board of Editors!… February 10, 2020 By Kristin Winchell Leave a Comment. Are there any significant differences between the two creatures? They look very similar to me, and it seems an anole can do everything a gecko can, like cling to walls and ceilings. Assuming I am correct, do anoles live a similar lifespan? There are several hundred different anole (pronounced: ə-ˈnō-lē) species, and each has a slightly different appearance.These lizards range in size, anywhere from the 1.2 inch 5-striped grass anole, all the way to the 8-inch knight anole. Like other anoles, it can change color, in this case a darker brown to black. The species is arboreal and diurnal. Green Anole – in the wild this anole will live up to three years of age and up to six years in captivity. Unexpectedly Stunning Facts About the Anole Lizard. Green Anole. Verdict – Both anole species have the same lifespan. Longevity also is greatly dependent upon proper nutrition. The green anole is roughly nine inches in size. Lifespan. Green anole is a type of lizard occurring mainly in the southeastern United States and in some islands in the Caribbean. It feeds on insects and spiders, it wiggles, it's about 5 to 8 inches (12.7 to 20.3 cm) long, and it changes color! Although hundreds of anole species have been identified, only seven are commonly found in … The anole is sometimes confused with a chameleon.The Carolina anole, or Anolis carolinensis, does change color, but is not a chameleon and changes only from green to brown. Especially between a green colored day gecko and a green colored anole. Description of the Anole. How to Determine the Sex of a Green Anole. It is endemic to the Caribbean island of Dominica, where it is found in most environments.The species is found in a diverse range of color forms, which one herpetologist once classified as four subspecies, which most other scientists did not recognise because the forms gradually inter-grade with one another. A calcium and vitamin supplement should also be dusted on the insects. Most anoles are small in size ranging from 3-6 inches in length. Green anoles have a lifespan ranging from 2 to 8 years, determined largely by predation. Green anoles do best on a variety of gut-loaded insects including mealworms and wax worms. An anole is a lizard that is native to parts of the Caribbean and the Southern United States. In it's 10+ years of existence, Anole Annals has united the anole community, becoming your one-stop-shop for information on everything Anolis.It seems to me that the site has lived up to Jonathan's vision, although he will tell you it can still get better. I understand that day geckos live between 3-8 years. The brown anole is normally a light brown color with darker brown to black markings on its back, and several tan to light color lines on its sides.