33. The rumour that they carry bones to secret "elephant burial grounds," however, is a myth. Elephants in captivity have been found to show special interest in certain types of art and painting. Another reason why elephants are the best animals – WTF fun fact Advertisements Categories Animals Tags child , crying , elephant , india , popular Leave a comment Post navigation On this Mother's Day, here are three reasons why elephants make some of the best mothers. Elephants are exceptionally smart creatures. Elephant dung in itself is an important food resource. June 4, 2019 April 30, 2016. 1. A baby elephant adds about two pounds of bodyweight each day after birth. There are a couple of main reasons why elephants are endangered – illegal killing of them and the destruction of their habitat. This provides a food resource for honey badgers, which eat the dung beetle larvae. Although now illegal, there is heavy poaching of elephants for their tusk ivory. Since one of their feet is always on the ground, technically they're actually speed walking at 25 mph. Here is a list of some reason why you should hold elephants a little closer to your heart.1. Elephants also bring down branches, providing fruit and leaves as a food resource to the lower levels. Baby elephants are born blind but they are immediately able to stand up and walk. Another reason why elephants are the best animals – WTF fun fact. You probably don't need another reason to love elephants, but just in case you do, here are 13 great reasons why elephants are just the best. Here are some interesting facts about elephants that you need to know. Who does not enjoy seeing a video of an elephant every once in awhile. Elephants are the largest land mammal. They are sold for an unbelievable amount of money which makes engaging in that activity so enticing. Are Elephants Endangered? Advertisements. … In one experiment , researchers at the University of Sussex found elephants have a strong interest in their own dead, preferring to investigate the skull of a deceased elephant over a piece of wood or the skull of a rhino. Why elephants are endangered. another reason why elephants are the best animals. Where do elephants live and why are they important for the environment? The herd celebrates the birth together during a ceremony of trumpeting and touching. Some of the Asian elephants are located in India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. Here's 10 reasons why elephants are superior: 1. Elephants are the largest mammals on land. The oldest recorded elephant is Ling Wang, an Asian elephant, who died in 2003 at the ripe old age of 86. Deceased elephants are buried under dust, branches and leaves, and a mother elephant may stay with the body of a deceased calf for days. They have the largest brain of any land animal, and three times as many neurons as humans. African elephants are the largest land mammals. Elephants use tusks for digging and lifting heavy objects, and sometimes as a part of mating rituals. Therefore, the fact that there is actually an elephant band out there shouldn’t surprise you too much. this woman claims she hasnt smiled for 40 … They are pretty big. There are two major species of elephants, African and Asian. Elephants are not just the cutest animals, but these animals have human traits that make them unique from the others in the animal kingdom. There is a lot of amazing things these creatures can do.