If you want to keep it as a pet It needs air, a live small insect to eat, a place to hide, and a cotton ball kept wet or water droplets. Answer Save. 0 1 0. Phidippus audax. Spiders usually catch moths and small flies in their webs. Find out more here! 3 Answers. what does a phidippus audux spider eat? Appearance What do they look like? A pretty good sized adult male found in a dumpster. Sandra Dee. There are several different types of jumping spiders, but this article will focus on the phidippus genus, which are most commonly kept as pets due to their larger size. That's why I wanted to feature the bold jumping spider Phidippus audax (say it with me, fid-DIP-us Ow-dax) for today's post. Phidippus audax spiders have been sighted 254 times by contributing members. I'll admit it, I'm a big fan of little spiders, especially little wee hairy ones with big attitudes. Phidippus spider size, are they dangerous/poisonous, where do they live, what do they eat, lifespan & pictures Another species of the Phidippus genus is the Regal jumping spider. The species may have been absent from the arid southwest prior to modern settlement and irrigation, but have been introduced there by human activity. #2 Phidippus Regius. My Phidippus Audax is simply kept at room temperature, at no particular humidity. I have a black jumping spider (Phidippus audax).. and in reading details about habitat and food that it eats, I noticed that it is a spider killer!! Phidippus audax spiders have been sighted 254 times by contributing members. 3 Answers. Spots: Most members of this species have three white spots on their abdomen, but in some species the spots may be red or orange. Baby Phidippus audax Jumping Spiders Many more spider photographs are available for your enjoyment--- Click here for the main directory of spider photos. Phidippus audax is an important predator of insects, and as such impacts insect populations. It does look like a jumping spider, maybe a Bold Jumper or Twin-flagged. Once you see a spider, use the lid of a glass jar to gently nudge it into the jar. Favorite Answer. The spider species Phidippus audax, commonly known as Bold Jumper, belongs to the genus Phidippus, in the family Salticidae. i hope this helped! :) Source(s): web search. Economic Importance for Humans: Positive. The spider species Phidippus audax, commonly known as Bold Jumper, belongs to the genus Phidippus, in the family Salticidae. Sandra Dee. Typically, this specie takes up refuge in bushes, small trees, and leafy plants. Login to reply the answers Post; Joka B. Lv 5. Based on collected data, the geographic range for Phidippus audax includes 2 countries and 42 states in the United States. Login to reply the answers Post; Joka B. Lv 5. Scientific name: Phidippus audax (family Salticidae) Appearance: Jumping spiders are known for their big eyes and furry bodies. hi dwayne, they eat other spiders and crickets.