Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. The following table lists the current top 5 most viewed YouTube videos uploaded in each year, with each total rounded to the nearest 10 million views, uploader and upload date. [N] As of April 2020 [update] Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran have the most appearances on the list with three each. The following table lists the current top 5 most viewed YouTube videos uploaded in each … Videos that people have to click on in order to see what happens next. YouTube is out with its year-in-review lists for 2019, documenting the top videos, trends, creators, music, games and more. Tuning into the top trending music videos, powerhouse female artists continued to transform the sound of pop. YouTube is out with its year-in-review lists for 2019, documenting the top videos, trends, creators, music, games and more. With more snackable video content as a top digital marketing prediction for 2020 – it’s increasingly essential for marketers to know the cultural moments, the trends, the creators and content that have been driving views, sparking inspiration and conversation, across the U.K. and beyond.. We lift the top 10 trends from this year’s YouTube Rewind to showcase the videos that defined 2019. So if you want to have a top trending YouTube video, think about what you can show … Explore common myths about YouTube users’ behavior from Thinkwithgoogle data insights. This data was put together by Ahrefs, who will soon be adding YouTube search volumes and metrics to its software. This is a trend that continues beyond the top 10, with 50% of the top 100 searches being for specific YouTube personalities and channels. Ari dominated with two songs (7 rings and break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored) in Australia’s top 10--but it was the newest and first Aussie to join YouTube’s Artist on the Rise program, Tones and I, that really got us dancing. Top queries are broken down by searches in the US and searches performed worldwide. The pulse of what's trending on YouTube. Leading the list of U.S. top-trending videos was beauty influencer James … It will help to understand real users' desires, needs and create an actual strategy for YouTube channel. Google has unveiled the top 10 trending YouTube videos in Australia in 2019. Check out the latest music videos, trailers, comedy clips, and everything else that people are watching right now. Taking the crown is Superwog’s video “Going to the gym” followed by James Charles’ “No more lies”. You’ll notice that five of the top 10 searches are “branded”, meaning folks are searching for channel names or YouTube personalities. Also discover TOP trending topics from DMR report. 2019’s Top YouTube Searches and Channels (So Far) New data reveals the top searches performed on YouTube in 2019, as well as the most popular channels. You’ll notice that five of the top 10 searches are “branded”, meaning folks are searching for channel names or YouTube personalities. Get stats for the most popular YouTube tags and searched words.