Put this into effect immediately. Tennessee Walking Horses because the abuse is so rampant. Support to end soring continues to build in the state, and this week the Chattanooga Times Free Press Cartoonist drew a bloody representation of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration’s logo – the largest walking horse event in the U.S. where soring runs rampant, and “Big Lick” events began last night. Today, judges continue to reward the artificial "Big Lick" gait, thus encouraging participants to sore their horses and allowing the cruel practice to persist. A Hail Mary, nailbiter, zero hour surprise – all the clichés apply to the final rule announced today, January 13, 2017 regarding the practice of soring of gaited horses. It is also the place where dozens of beautiful Tennessee Walking Horses are subjected to horrific abuse. Sign this petition The Sad Cruelty Behind The Tennessee Walking Horse The Tennessee Walking Horse was bred and developed in Central Tennessee during the late 1800s as an all-purpose ranch horse. Meet Molly: Journey of an ex-Big Lick Tennessee Walking Horse. It descends from a mixture of different breeds including Narragansett Pacer (now extinct), Canadian Pacer, Thoroughbred, Morgan, and Standardbred. The problem is that many of the DQPs are competitors and advocators of the big lick horse themselves. Thus, the horses are often referred to as “Big Lick Walkers.” NOTE: At Hanaeleh, our credo is to keep all equine abuse information palatable without whitewashing. Tennessee Walking Horses are the preferred mount of these trainers, as they have an easy gait to ride (they can perform a walking gait at the same speed that some horses can canter). Horse Soring is a cruel and hideous torture inflicted on the Tennessee Walking Horse, bred and shown for its distinctive gait. Over a period of more than 50 years the Big Lick faction of the Tennessee walking horse industry has gotten away with routine crippling of horses as a core training strategy. Today: Jess is counting on you. ... Over a period of more than 50 years the Big Lick faction of the Tennessee walking horse industry has gotten away with routine crippling of horses as a core training strategy. The specific focus is the big lick Tennessee Walker show horse. Horrific Horse Abuse Uncovered And No One Is Stopping It. There is an obvious conflict of Soring has been a common and widespread practice in the Tennessee walking horse show industry for decades. . July 9, 2019 DeAnn Sloan Candace Wade #BIG LICK, #SORING, #TWH Leave a comment. All TWH shows must have Designated Qualified Persons (DQPs) to inspect every horse before every class and eliminate those showing signs of soring. Through a practice known as soring, the horse's legs are covered in caustic chemicals and their hooves are injured to force the horse to perform an exaggerated, high-stepping gait known in competition circles as the "big lick." Jess Jefferson needs your help with “The Big Lick: Ban the soring of Tennessee Walking Horses”.Join Jess and 4,247 supporters today. In the first article of her series, Candace Wade offers a heart-wrenching look at the aftermath of the Big Lick industry on the horses it affects. Stop this cruel soring and adding chains and lead to these tennessee walkers feet Make sure the big lick is illuminated from every Tennessee Walker competition.Put these soring violators in jail or fine them and make sure their trainers are put out of business.