Check it out! Call us 608-221-0094 This medium-size species is also known as the White-lipped python. Pythons for sale - Reptile rapture offers great selection of Pythons & with live arrival assurance on pythons. The snout is triangular and the And on an additional note, on the question you had yesterday about the bismark ringed pythons, Tom produces the nicest ringed pythons I have seen in the U.S. by a mile. MPR: White Lipped Pythons with Ryan Young. Hey guys, i just got all my christmas money and im thinking about getting another snake. They are patternless, except the northern white-lipped, Before i thought that 5 feet would be my limit for length but now after seeing how small a 5 foot snake is, id like to get a larger constrictor to so something between 8 and 10 feet. Baby white lipped pythons typically feed on pinky mice, but grow quickly and move on up in mouse size. Live Arrival Guarantee. The cheapest offer starts at £15. bc hes so small and his tank is so big, he has foliage out the ass & 3 separate hides to keep him feeling secure. ill prob make a separate post w more pics so its easier 2 see but hes in a 36” x 18” x 18” exo terra. Beautiful Southern White Lipped Pythons for sale at the lowest prices only at Underground Reptiles. Beautiful Southern White Lipped Pythons for sale at the lowest prices only at Underground Reptiles. If you can hardly tell that the snake has recently eaten a meal, it is time to move up a size in rodents. Ships Priority Overnight. The Northern White Lipped Python is the smaller of the species, and averages a length of around 7 ft long (214 cm). Geographic range The snake is found in Papua New Guinea. Contrarily, the Southern White-Lipped Python grows to be significantly larger, coming in at an average of 9.8 feet long (300 cm). Leiopython albertisii-D'Albert's water python Leiopython bennettorum-Bennett's white-lipped python Leiopython biakensis - Biak white-lipped python Leiopython fredparkeri - Parker's white-lipped python Leiopython hoserae - Southern white-lipped python Reptile Rapture, 6308 Monona dr, Monona WI 53516 608-221-0094, SOUTHERN WHITE LIPPED PYTHON Caresheet Common Name: White lip, D'Albert's python Scientific Name: Bothrochilus hoserae (formerly Leiopython) Origin: New Guinea Size: 8-9 feet Lifespan: 30 years You will find many ways on the internet, on "how to" take care of this animal. He had some adults at a show last year and they were stunning. Ive loved the white lipped pythons and i looked into them awhile ago. Königspython zu verkaufen, python regius à vendre, Koningspython te koop Cookies disclaimer I agree Our site saves small pieces of text information (cookies) on your device in order to deliver better content and for statistical purposes. Ships . Leiopython meridionalis Schleip, 2014 The southern whitelip python (Bothrochilus meridionalis) is a species of snake of the family Pythonidae. for heat he has a large zoo med UTH hooked up to a zilla thermostat. They are pattern less, except the northern white-lipped python has some light markings on its postoculars. Explore 43 listings for White python for sale at best prices. After your snake eats, you should see a noticeable lump in its stomach indicating that it's fed. D'alberts Python Python albertisii We have some stunning captive-bred D'alberts Pythons for sale at the lowest prices online. When you buy a python from us, you automatically receive our 100%