Blue eyes can range in color from light blue to dark blue. Cat With Rare Condition Changes Colors In Front Of Her Owner's Eyes "Her changing still goes on every day, ... when Nicole Böhm rescued a pair of black-and-white kitten siblings living on a dirty farm in Germany, ... on Elli's coat. Chocolate and lilac = orange/amber/gold eyes. Three of my cats are black, but I’ve noticed one has a reddish tint starting to show up in his coat. Because the neck and body of the cat is warmer, their coat stays a lighter color and the tail, legs, face and ears turn darker because those areas of … Bengal kittens go through a lot of changes when they are young as they are growing and developing, so it should be no surprise that yes, Bengal kittens do […] If you do notice a sudden change, like if they seem unusually brown or dark yellow, that may signal a serious underlying condition caused by … does a kittens fur color change?? Getting a Bengal kitten is a lot of fun, but it also raises a lot of questions for new owners, including: do Bengal kittens change color? Black and blue = orange/amber/gold eyes. A diluted black becomes blue/grey, a diluted red becomes cream. Most owners recognize their special cats have a distinct cat personality.But are there behavior differences between a black cat and an orange kitty? Some surveys say cat color matters, though most reputable researchers say otherwise. Gray fur that shows up due to an area being groomed too much, is wiry or more dirty than the rest of the cat, or is matted beyond reason can be the result of a sickness in the cat. Basically, when it comes to cat colors, cats are black unless they have inherited the sex-linked orange masking gene, in which case, they are red, Miller explains. After a bit of research, it was determined that the kittens most likely have fever coat. This is corroborated by many cat guardians who see their white cats as being generally more reserved and often shy, yet loving and caring when they bond with their family. All kittens are born with blue eyes (however, you won't be able to see their baby blues for a few days as they are born with their eyes closed!). ? And is it normal or should you worry? As she aged, however, her coat began to darken up. Although this is the quintessential look of these vocal, blue-eyed oriental kitties, that colorization doesn't always stay pristine as the years go by. As beautiful as blue is, most likely, your kitten's eyes will change color. Well of course none of the kittens win. Sun Exposure My cats love to lie in the sun. Black Cats Can Change Color pxhere / CC0 Public Domain If your black cat has a tabby stripe gene and loves to spend his days lounging in the sun, his fur can turn a rusty brown color. It depends on what color the white cat is ”under” the white. As they begin to grow, color changes begin to take place in their coats and the points begin to emerge. In order for a cat to be solid black, both of its parents need to have the black color gene. It’s horrible and the pic should not be used in any kitten … Most kittens are born with blue eyes. Heavy exposure to sun can cause a black cat’s fur to change to a rusty brownish color. There, where her fur was once solid black… For the first seven to 13 days, they depend on smell and, of course, mom in order to survive. A color change might also be signalling a health issue, so keep a close eye on your kitty if she's changing colors unexpectedly. Once your kitten's eyes have changed color from the bluish-gray that she was born with, her eyes should not change color after that. Some breeds, however, change their coat colors as they mature. Kittens are born cute and cuddly, and most have their basic adult coloring as well. But the ppl that own them do. The pic of the colored cats are what ppl who use them in dog fights do. The bi colored (black and white) kitten above, is starting to get more obvious tabby markings oddly enough, but is a mute looking black with deeper black stripes. All kittens are born with blue eyes (however, you won't be able to see their baby blues for a few days as they are born with their eyes closed!). They can then be modified in different manners. On the other hand, cat breeds (Siamese, Russian Blue, and so forth) really do have personality types. You don’t need to be worried, as the stressful situation is probably over, but yes, I’ve heard of this. my cat had 4 kittens yesterday. If you do notice a sudden change, like if they seem unusually brown or dark yellow, that may signal a serious underlying condition caused by anything from trauma to the eye to feline leukemia. Hear the term "Siamese cat" and you probably think of a bright white cat with darker spots on her face, ears, legs and tail. They dye the kittens hair and which ever color is alive when the fight is over wins.