The images below were taken from plants I've sold … Parts of a Name. Full descriptions and culture requirements provided by experts hand-picked for their knowledge of select genera. Therefore, I started the "CAMBODIAN ORCHID CONSERVATION PROJECT". Orchid Orange Blossom. These succulent leaves are large and leathery and usually grow in two rows. However, there are a lot of fascinating orchids you really should not miss, so visit my other pages to learn more about those orchids. 34 10 22. They've arguably also done more to raise the popularity of orchids in general than any other genus. About the Moth Orchid . Cattleya: Cattleya orchids are perfect for you if you’ll be growing them in areas with a lot of natural light such as the Midwestern United States or Central or South America. And it has received a Highly Commended Certificate (HCC) from the American Orchid Society for its flowers, which scored from 75 to 79 points on a 100-point scale. Generally, they are the orchids that stand out with showy flowers and spotted during a walk in the woods or wetlands, the two predominant habitat for most types of orchids. They come in many colors (white, green, purple, pink, yellow and more) and require a fairly warm environment. Amazing Facts about Orchids. Flower Orchid Nature. Dendrobium Orchids. Orchids in the Phalaenopsis genus are some of the most popular and easy to care for orchids. Orchids Flowers. Pink Orchid Nature. 4,227 Free images of Orchid Flower. ... Picture Frame Flower. - Phalaenopsis species & Hybrids - Last Updated - 5-06-03. When you develop greater than a passing passion in orchids, you will quickly observe exactly how varied this unique plant family is. Below are orchid species listed alphabetically, ... run by the Missouri Botanical garden this not only list almost all orchid names it also has almost every name for all plants. I can go on and on about other types of orchids, but I would probably go a little crazy by the time I am done going through the 700 or so genera, more than 25,000 orchid species and more than 100,000 hybrids. Orchids Stock Photography of species & hybrid orchids detail closeups of flowers, phalaenopsis moth orchids, paphiopedilum ladyslippers, miltonia pansy orchids, cymbidiums, oncidium, native orchids cypripedium, cattleya orchids, fragrant orchids, rare. 68 40 44. Lots of text info, very few pictures Just Click on the Subject Below and the Section of the page will appear. Generally, they are the orchids that stand out with showy flowers and spotted during a walk in the woods or wetlands, the two predominant habitat for most types of orchids. The Moth Orchid, Phalaenopsis Orchid or Phal's are very well known houseplants and easily recognised today.They don't need a great deal of care and can look gorgeous for months on end. 101 122 11. When you develop greater than a passing passion in orchids, you will quickly observe exactly how varied this unique plant family is. 201 238 24. Including category that yield both the vanilla you love to cook with and scents you enjoy to put on, each flower has one-of-a-kind features and care needs. 107 115 38. I met Rogier van Vugt in 2005 when he was just a a yong boy and worked in the greenhouse of Wubben orchids and understood little of photographers. Moth orchids are identified by their large overlapping leaves at the base of the stem. To help you in choosing a plant that’s especially well-suited to YOU, here’s a “Top 10” rundown of the most popular types of orchids. Native to Brazil, these orchids are a popular choice for producing hybrids. The leaves may take on a crinkled appearance unless they get enough water. Orchid Flower Blossom. Fringed Orchids. 253 355 21. Orchids A to Z Here is your definitive source for concise information on orchid genera. The name came from the Italian nobleman and physician Antonio Musa Brassavola. Internet Orchid Species … Hillary Clinton, you know automatically that it’s a hybrid. Browse names of orchids pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket Orchid Flower Plant. * Global warming is the second actor, and in the short future the main reason for disappearing orchids in the wild. Another type of orchid you can grow at home is what I call the “Thai restaurant orchids.” These types of orchids are Dendrobium hybrids and can be found at Thai restaurants that decorate their tables with freshly-cut flowers.