The Palm Civet can make a wonderful pet, but a lot of patience must be exercised by the owner. They are famous for their musk, secreted from their glands, that has been used to make perfumes since centuries. Asian Palm Civet the ‘Toddy Cat ‘or “Musang”, is a feline-estimated warm blooded creature that lives in the Southeast Asian tropical rainforests. Civets have particular time of the night when they come out from their holes to eat, … Also known as the Toddy Cat, the Asian palm civet is a … They do enjoy the company of humans. The Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), also known as the’ Asian Palm Civet’ ‘Musang’ or the ‘Toddy Cat’, is a cat-sized mammal that resides in the Southeast Asian tropical rainforests. Not sure if. The Asian palm civet … The African Civet is a species of civets that are spread throughout a wide range in the continent of Africa. There are laws here about keeping native wildlife as pets. I have a Domestic Long Haired cat as a pet and I thought he was already taking a lot of my time and attention. The fundamental populaces of the Asian palm civet however are discovered in southern India, Sri Lanka, South-east Asia and southern China. Weaning nicely eating a variety of protein and fruits, will be ready to rehome from 16th March. When acquired young they are quite tamable and can be a great pet for the right person. Txt or call ur offers , 0935900007 GLOBE I am Easy to talk Tnx Comes complete with large luxury cage on casters, bed, bedding, water bottle, toys, bowls, lead, harness, collar, litter tray, litter, branches, food etc etc - Civets - Civet Cat - Exotic Pets at BellaOnline For Sale Asian Palm Civet Cat This Cats Dung Are made into Coffee Beans , and Very Expensive S800 dollars per kilo. Having a Asian Palm Civet as pet was not something I planned in my life, and I am a person who needed to plan out almost everything to function. Handled daily from 4 weeks of age. Civets make the best cup of coffee in the world. Safety Notice from Pets4Homes - NEVER send money for a deposit or pay for a pet online. A civet or civet cat is a beautiful long-tailed spotted critter. They aren�t good fashion coordinators because they wear clashing spots with strips. Poachers have been hunting down these animals in the wild, and often keep them as pets for their expensive musk. I think for coffee it's got to be the Indian Palm Civet, which is on the endangered list in some countries (not sure about Cities), so probably officially illegal. They are nocturnal, so no great pets I guess. The Common Palm Civet is found from the Himalayas and southern China, to the Philippines, the Malay peninsula and the Indonesian islands. Well, civet cat is not a pet but discussion on how to care for it in the time being is allowed for now since thread starter found the civet cats and not went out to find them. My experience hand rearing Palm Civet The first encounter. While wallabies or Asian palm civets may make good pets, the researchers say exotic animals aren’t likely to overtake dogs and cats in popularity anytime soon. Txt or call ur offers , 0935900007 GLOBE I am Easy to talk Tnx Anyway, will keep this thread open for another day or 2, if nothing helpful comes up, we will close the thread. The Common Palm Civet is discovered from the southern China and Himalayas, the Malay Peninsula, to the … Full Advert Details. The Asian palm civet is considered possessing the tropical wildernesses and rainforests all through much of Asia. For Sale Asian Palm Civet Cat This Cats Dung Are made into Coffee Beans , and Very Expensive S800 dollars per kilo. So Grab now Cdo Area only Swap to dog Puppy With paper. Male Asian Palm Civet for sale 4 month old hand reared, beautiful, very friendly, very playful baby boy. Asian palm civet range: native in green, introduced in red The Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) is a viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia.Since 2008, it is IUCN Red Listed as Least Concern as it accommodates to a broad range of habitats.It is widely distributed with large populations that in 2008 were thought unlikely to be declining. Since 2008, it is IUCN Red Listed as Least Concern as it is tolerant of a broad range of habitats. Taking care of Civets Taking care of civets is like taking care of a new born baby, that I always have to wake up at least 3 times in the night to check and feed them.