The novel is written from the point of view of an adult Scout describing how she viewed the events of the novel as a child, and she often comments about how she didn't understand something at … Is johny sins dead. and find homework help for other To Kill a Mockingbird questions at eNotes The fact that Jean Louise is actually telling the story as an adult decades later is sometimes forgotten, because Lee so perfectly ties the perspective to the younger Scout, who is 6 years old when the story begins. Enjoy. Why's it so funny that they can call the younger child of the Finch family "Scout"? Scout Finch's relationship with other characters Hi, my name is Jean Louise Finch, but you can call me Scout. well there is no connection to her real name (jean-louise) and i don't recall it mentioning anything about it in the book, but my guess would be its just a nickname. Scout Finch is a classic tomboy growing up in an uncertain and changing era of American history. However it does say that she does not like being called Jean Louise because it was too girly of a name for her. Home To Kill a Mockingbird Q & A why do everybody call Jean Louis... To Kill a Mockingbird why do everybody call Jean Louise Finch "Scout"? 2. The daughter of attorney Atticus Finch, named Jean Louise but called Scout, serves as the narrator of the story. 3. Scout Finch. I have a brother called Jem, a father called Atticus, and our family also has an African American maid called Calpurnia. Jean Louise "Scout" Finch, as an adult, is the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman. She gets into trouble with Miss Caroline, her teacher, because she is expected to learn reading and writing her way. Jean Louise "Scout" Finch is the narrator and main character of the novel. She comments on how she could not understand something at the time but now can appreciate it. What country is charmin made in. Essentially, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is a bildungsroman that looks at the formative years and social education of Southern-'tomboy' and outsider; Jean-Louise 'Scout' Finch. Jean Louise "Scout" Finch Scout Finch is a girl who lives with her father, Atticus, her brother, Jem, and their black cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb, Alabama. This is a movie about Jean Louise Finch, or as she likes to be called, Scout. Throughout the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout sees her town through her little innocent eyes. Scout’s confusion, as to why learning to read prematurely is deemed wrong, further proves her innocence in social niceties. 4. The book does not explicitly state why Jean Louise Finch is called Scout. She gets into trouble with Miss Caroline, her teacher, because she is expected to learn reading and writing her way. One quickly realizes when reading To Kill a Mockingbird that Scout is who she is because of the way Atticus has raised her. He has nurtured her mind, conscience, and individuality without bogging her down in fussy social hypocrisies and notions of propriety. Jean-Louise 'Scout' Finch.