There is a big difference between those two breeds. I started supplementing her dry Iams with canned dog food and cut back to only a 40-minute walk per day, but she still isn't gaining weight. How Feeding Changes as a Bulldog Puppy Gets Older. With his little scrunched-up face and oversized paws, a bulldog puppy will grow into an adult dog with a face only a mother could love. Bulldog puppies rate right up there with baby ducks and red-eyed tree frogs with regard to cuteness. The breed is listed in the UKC Guardian Dog Group. Celebrity Dog Trainer Nick White! I have a year 2 old obie. Kimberly Alt Updated: January 10, ... September 28, 2016 6:15 pm. Yet the tenacious, and sometimes stubborn, personality of an English bulldog makes such normal stages of development challenging. Feeding Your English Bulldog Puppy the wrong food can end you up in the emergency room. I am a Brown and white English Bulldog The Shelter staff think I am 6 years old. English Bulldogs: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em. How to Care for an English Bulldog. Drake fans will see double this summer. Also, the breeder I got my Olde English Bulldogge from has dogs that are 14-15 yrs old and they are doing great! Never use plastic either for his food or… ... My English Bulldog Gracie is 7 years old a d we have had to have 3 surgerys for obstruction. Every English bulldog puppy owner has a story where she finds her leather purse and wallet shredded next to her wrinkly pup. For more information about this animal, call: Maricopa County Animal Care & Control - … Our 10 year old English bulldog is healthy and active. WWE Stars: John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and Bella Twins' Dog, Winston! ... Avoid raw food until your puppy is at least a year old so he can properly digest it and if … Helping Your Bulldog Reach a Long Life The average lifespan of an English Bulldog is between 8 and 10 years. With a lovable appearance and gentle manners, the English bulldog makes a great pet. Drake fans will see double this summer. After 15 Pound Weight Loss, Peggy Is Ready To Go Home ... NJ — Peggy, a 2-year-old English bulldog and Stafford mix, has been living in foster care for "quite a … To put this in perspective, smaller dogs such as Chihuahua’s and Yorkshire Terriers have a life span of 17-20 years old. For more information about this animal, call: Maricopa County Animal Care & Control - East Valley Animal Care Center at … Developed during the 1970s by David Leavitt, this breed was created using an English Bulldog, Bullmastiff, American Bulldog, and Pit Bull. English Bulldog Puppies for Sale Your search returned the following puppies for sale. Growth of English bulldog female: According to its size, the weight of the English bulldog female at 3 months should be between 7.3 and 9 kg.