Whether it’s your love for South Asian cuisine or natural remedies, the aromatic Kaffir … The main distinctive feature of kaffir lime tree is the double leaves. The leaves of other citrus fruit like oranges, limes are lemons may be effective replacements for kaffir lime leaves; however, they may not be as fragrant as the lime leaves. (It’s also … You want to know more what are the health benefits of kaffir lime leaves? Helps in the process of detoxification Substitutes. 11. Cooking with Kaffir lime is an integral part of Asian cuisine. Names of Kaffir Lime … Fresh kaffir lime leaves keep well in a refrigerator for at least 2 weeks. A leaf has two connecting leaves which I call ‘double leaves’. Cleaning with kaffirs. Health Benefits of Kaffir Lime Leaves. Fresh kaffir lime leaves keep well in a refrigerator for at least 2 weeks. Citrus hystrix, called the kaffir lime, makrut lime (US: / ˈ m æ k r ɪ t /, UK: / m ə k ˈ r uː t /), Thai lime or Mauritius papeda, is a citrus fruit native to tropical Southeast Asia and southern China.. Its fruit and leaves are used in Southeast Asian cuisine and its essential oil is used in perfumery. Kaffir lime leaves are sold fresh, frozen, and dried. The plant produces a small wrinkly lime and aromatic leaves. Lime zest. Bathing in Kaffirs for mums and bubs. Kaffir lime leaves are that special something to add to your favorite thai dish. List of various diseases cured by Kaffir Lime. Dried leaves are also available at markets. 1 tablespoon kaffir lime zest or regular lime zest or lemon zest = 3 double-leaves = 6 leaves. This herb has been known to be effective in treating numerous oral issues. Don’t use dried or frozen leaves in a salad. The leaves, however, are very aromatic and can be eaten if very thinly sliced or cooked. Juice and rinds of the kaffir lime are widely used in traditional Indonesian medicine like jamu and the fruit is sometimes referred to in Indonesia as jeruk obat (medicine citrus). The essence of tanin, steroid triterpenoid, and atsiri oil are composed in this exotic leaves. Check them out here! Dried leaves … Leaves can be used to treat stomach ache caused by dyspepsia and insect bites. The functions of kaffir lime leaves are not only for dishes mixing, they have large number of health benefits for your body. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Kaffir Lime. Kaffir lime leaves are the leaves from the kaffir lime plant (Citrus hystrix), otherwise known as the makrut or leech lime. Helps in the process of detoxification. Kaffir lime leaves are thick, dark green and shiny on the top, porous and pale on the back. Kaffir lime leaves are versatile leaves used as herbal medicine, in cooking, and more. Luckily, various processing techniques enable kaffir lime leaves to be transported round the world, where they are sold in specialist ingredient shops. 12. Equivalents. Use 1 1/2 as much of the citrus leaves as your recipe requires for kaffir lime leaves. They are hourglass-shaped "double" leaves, meaning there are two leaves at the end of each stem. The oil, leaves, fruit, and rind of kaffir … @soyoulikecoffee is a bathtime goddess and puts sliced Kaffir Limes in the bath. The kaffir lime leaves are rich with natural oils, so it's always best to use them fresh if possible. Ways to Use Kaffir Lime Leaves Adding Thai Flavor to Dishes. How Kaffir Lime is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. If necessary, you can add more. To compensate, you can try adding more of them. They’re easily recognisable by their eight-figure shaped, emerald-green leaf lobes, which makes them appear as if two leaves are joined together. Dental Health. They are green in color and turn yellow when ripe. Kaffir lime leaves, or daun limau purut in Bahasa Malaysia, comes from the kaffir lime tree, tree native to tropical countries, especially in Southeast Asia.The leaves are highly aromatic and suitable for most Asian cuisines, be it spicy, sour or both. Kaffir Lime Tree: Kaffir lime tree is a small thorny bush tree.