Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re seeing a flea or flea dirt. If it's fleas or even lice (never heard of that one) you'll be able to see the fleas crawling on your dogs skin when you separate the hair. Fleas are a dark copper color and about the size of the head of a pin. Your dog is not immune to dry skin just because he is covered in hair. You can eliminate most skin parasites by using topical flea and tick medications and monthly heartworm preventive tablets. Flea dirt (flea feces) will fall off of the dog’s skin and land on the paper. But your quest to eliminate fleas isn’t over just yet—you … To treat the itching, take your dog … Flea eggs may have fallen off your pet and could hatch a few weeks later. Do NOT use tea tree oil as a flea repellent in cats or dogs. More than 2,500 different species of fleas exist throughout the world, yet one is the most common among American dogs and cats. Make sure you are feeding Fido high quality food. Your best bet, if your dog’s skin problem does not go away, is to see your … How do you tell the difference and what can we do to help her? Flea dirt. ... How do you tell if your dog has fleas or dry skin? Learn how to recognize fleabites, how to treat them, and how to get rid of the pests. She has started to itch A LOT today (bathed her yesterday). Understanding the Flea Life Cycle . Fleas are dark in color and move fast or will hop on you. Dry skin on dogs is frustrating for dogs and owners alike. ... A solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water applied to your cat can help get rid of the fleas. Hello, dogs are just like family and it is very important to make sure that they are well taken care of. Your cat may have cleaned the adult fleas from her fur. She does not have flakes and her fur is so thick its hard to tell if she has fleas. Flea dirt is actually flea poop, and it appears as specks of dirt on your dogs skin. It isn't uncommon to find bumps and bulges on our dog's skin, especially as they age.So how can we tell if the abnormality is a tick or a skin tag? If you've seen fleas on your cat or in your house, you know for sure you are dealing with fleas and should use a veterinary flea treatment labeled for cats. They dislike light, so your best chance of spotting fleas on a dog is to look within furry areas and on the belly and inner thighs. How to Tell if Your Dog has Fleas Fleas are the most common external parasite that can affect your dog. The dog begins to lose hair in these areas due to the repeated irritation and the skin becomes increasingly dry. Following a nice warm bath, you'll have killed the fleas and will be able to use a dog flea and tick comb to remove the dead fleas from your dog.