The camels having a single bump on their back are known as Dromedary whereas those having two bumps like B shape are known as Bactrian camels. The line for the top of the body should bulge up more for the hump. Humans first domesticated camels between 3,500 – 3,000 years ago. Camels have long been used for transportation, wool, milk, and meat. Next add in the eyes, ears and mouth. Would you like to draw a dromedary camel? Step 4: Draw a series of curved lines that connect the major shapes to form the camel's neck and body. Use light, smooth strokes to begin. All of these Baby drawing camel resources no-charge download on Free cliparts pictures. Finish the head details and add the front of the neck. You might like to watch this video of me drawing a Rottweiler! This video is unavailable. Step 3. CLICK HERE FOR STEP 4. It is easy to start after which you can feel comfortable in drawing Bactrian camels. Bactrian camels have two humps. Free cliparts pictures provides you with 18 baby drawing camel clip arts. She is the 4th from the left, in the white, drawing a beautiful, very regal bactrian camel. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a camel in just a few quick steps, but first… Camels belong to the Camelidae family that includes the llama, alpacas, and other even-toed animals, such as giraffes, goats, deer, antelope and others. Try to focus on the underbelly, the neck region, and the inner legs where the light doesn't hit. Step 1: Draw two circles as guides for the first part of the Bactrian camel's body.First draw four small marks for the height and width of the circle, then connect the marks using curved lines. Drawing lessons for beginners: Check out this step by step drawing tutorial and learn how to make your own cool drawings! There is no better animal to traverse the desert than the noble camel. Most camels alive today are domesticated. Step 2. The Bactrian camel once had an enormous range, however, it is now reduced to an estimated 1.4 million animals, mostly domesticated. You must first learn to draw the one having D shape on back known as Dromedary camels. The earliest known camel was a small forest-dwelling creature that live Step 6: Draw two curved lines on the left side that connect the camel's head to the body and form the guide for the neck.The first line should be short, and the second line should be long and curved. Step 3: Draw a U-shaped arc on the right side of the head as a guide for the camel's muzzle. ... Made up of fat and tissues, the camels can draw nutrients and moisture from their humps; a healthy camel will have humps that are the same firmness as the rest of their body, while those that are draining resources will have softer, flabby humps. camel drawing step 4: use the dodge and burn tools here to glaze in areas of light and shadow on the camel. How to Ride a Camel. It is thought that there are about 1000 wild Bactrian camels in the Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia. You can finish your drawing with some background like …