I know I am not the one person that has considered that turkey because my enemy on Thanksgiving due to the fact Butterball turkey comes with a hot line that receives tens of thousands of calls annually from individuals with assorted poultry questions. Figure out what’s attracting them and take it away if possible. Our main suggestions to deter turkeys are as follows: 1. Shelter: Turkeys roost overnight in large, mature trees, and planting deciduous trees in a thick patch or leaving a woodland border intact adjacent to the yard will help provide that shelter. How do i keep wild turkeys away from my home? Killing wild turkeys without a hunting license , out of season, or both is illegal and if you did it would classify you as a poacher in the eyes of the law, nuisance or not! What to do and how to behave around wild turkeys… As with any unwelcome wildlife, you want to eliminate or minimize the things that attracted wild turkeys to your yard in the first place. www.bootifulturkey.com - How To Deter Turkeys From Property. Follow these best practices to make your property less attractive to turkeys. Wild turkeys thrive close to people in suburban and urban areas. How to keep turkeys out of your yard Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) ... and she said she was having trouble with turkeys in her yard. Tall scrub brush, mature shrubbery, and a large brush pile or wood pile can also help provide shelter that will attract wild turkeys. More often than not, crop damage is caused by wildlife other than turkeys; they’re simply in the wrong place at … But a large flock of turkeys roosting on your roof may not be your first choice. This system is optimal for great blue herons, wild turkeys, Canada geese, and other large birds or water fowl. keeping wild turkeys away. Why is it that the basis for stress for so many folks? Most conflicts with turkeys occur in areas where they’re being fed by people. Deter turkeys with these 5 humane tips, including Nite Guard Repellent Tape. The first step towards resolving conflicts with turkeys is to eliminate sources of food such as direct handouts from people, unsecured garbage, and spilled bird seed. Keep wildlife wild! Try these effective, non-lethal ways to get rid of unwanted wild turkeys. Nite Guard's durable flash tape effectively scares away wild turkeys through unpredictable flashes of … The fear of getting diseases from turkey droppings has been used as an excuse to kill wild turkeys, but killing nuisance turkeys is cruel and doesn't solve the problem (more turkeys will just take their place). How to keep turkeys out of your yard Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) ... and she said she was having trouble with turkeys in her yard. Never deliberately feed wild turkeys to attract them to your property or keep them around. Some seven million wild turkeys are roaming the United States right now, three days before Thanksgiving. If you live in a rural area, near foothills or woodlands, you might occasionally spot a fox on your property. You may consider removing bird feeders (especially in the spring and summer) until the turkeys move on. I need some help with keeping them away from my house and more specificly my cars. All Bird Gard products have a … If you’ve got wild turkeys in your yard, you’ve just found solid advice for effectively dealing with them, so read on. The Super Pro PA4 broadcasts bird distress calls at a lower frequency than our other units, consistent with the lower-frequency calls of large birds. Five ways to solve a wild turkey problem 1. Turkeys are great for controlling insects, and in general they are unobtrusive neighbors. I live next to some woods and there is a big barbed wire fence, but the turkey still fly over. Wild turkeys in garden areas are certainly upsetting, but before you assume that the wild turkey you saw this morning was the same one that ate your corn down to nothing, you’ve got to do a little legwork.