Since this is only an average, there are many does who do much … A good goat should produce for 9-10 months of the year, although the last part of the lactation (milking period) might only amount to a few cups a day. How much milk does a Purebred Lamancha give per day? The average milk production of a Saanen goat doe is 2545 pounds of milk per year. I know it differs from goat to goat, but I was wondering how much less milk than I can expect Vs my Registered Saanen.? My friends Alpines milk twice what my Nubians do, they also make more cheese per pound of milk than Nubians do because they have lower butterfat and higher protein. That means the average Nubian doe will give an average of 6 pounds (or 3 quarts) of milk per day. A beef cow will produce around 10 lbs of milk per day--plus or minus--for her calf. As gallons, that comes to between 3/4 and 1 1/2 gallons of milk per day. Benefits of Drinking Milk. A good dairy goat produces between 6 and 12 pounds of milk per day for about 305 days out of the year. How Much Milk Does a Breastfeeding Mother Produce? yield more milk. After the lactation, the doe will "dry off", typically after she has been bred. per week. Let’s Compare Dairy Goats and Cows A good doe will provide plenty of fresh milk for a small family if you take care of her. Thus the labor cost per gallon of goat’s milk is about twice the labor cost per gallon of cow’s milk. The American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) lists Nubian breed averages for 2001 at 1844 pounds of milk in a 275-305 day lactation. I think your question is still difficult to answer as I am sure some Lamancha's produce more milk than some saanen's. Some spots are permissible but not desirable in the show ring. MILK PRODUCTION Female Saanen dairy goats, (Does), produce heavy amounts of milk! Just how much milk depends on many factors, including the individual. However, they can produce up to two gallons of milk per day. When it comes to overall production, they are hard to beat. Milk is nothing short of a complete food; it contains a variety of essential minerals and vitamins and it is filling at the same time. These are Nubians. By: Laura Niedziocha ... Two weeks after birth, your child should be gaining weight at 6 oz. They surpass all of the other goat breeds. Saanens are the Holsteins of the goat world. Averaging about 1 ½ gallons per day, per animal, some can even produce up to 2 gallons of milk per day. Milk cows tend to produce a lot more, more often not for their calves. And usually, because of teat size, it takes pretty much the same amount of time to milk a Nigerian as it does to milk a larger goat.