Tesco, Morrisions, Ikea and even Sedexo, a food servicing company that runs cafeterias for students in schools, have been found to be selling beef products that aren't as beefy as the packaging might suggest. How horse meat scandal puts supply chain issues in the spotlight. in LOGISTICS RESEARCH NETWORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE. To proceed, based on this report, to any necessary follow up action. ... During the 2013 scandal horse meat was found in burgers and ready meals sold across Europe ©DPA/PA Images. The 'horsemeat scandal' that engulfed most of Europe in 2013 raises some interesting customer behaviour questions (Xie, Bagozzi, & Østli, 2013), with further implications for business relationships involving multiple buyers and a single What were the main lessons-learned? Columns, Legal 26 February 2013 Hugh Hitchcock. The unfolding horse-meat scandal in Europe … The ambitious venture comes after Tesco was rocked, like many supermarkets around Britain, by the horse-meat scandal. ... H&M lines up supply chain to produce protective medical equipment. 27 July 2017. Initially identified in Ireland, the scandal stretched across Europe and beyond. Tse, YK & Tan, KH 2014, Supply chain quality risk in the horsemeat scandal: Perceptions and decisions. The 'horsemeat scandal' that engulfed most of Europe in 2013 raises some interesting customer behaviour questions (Xie, Bagozzi, & Østli, 2013), with further implications for business relationships involving multiple buyers and a single As the environment minister meets with retailers and the Food Standards Agency over the horsemeat scandal, the chief executive of Morrisons warns the food supply chain has become 'far too complex'. Procurement Leaders provides independent strategic research, category intelligence and access to a unique global community aimed at uncovering innovations and driving value in Supply chain. The winners. Origin labelling. The winners. For the majority of humanity's early existence, wild horses were hunted as a source of protein. The discovery of horsemeat in processed beef products sold by a number of UK supermarket chains last month has resulted in a series of product recalls and … The horsemeat scandal was when meat from horses entered the supply chain as beef and ended up being sold in many products in the UK. And as part of this damage limitation exercise, Tesco have used their website to great effect. DONE. Anyone for spaghetti bolog-neighs? While the presence of undeclared meat was not a health issue, there was immediate concern that drugs given to race horses might have entered the food supply chain. Horse meat scandal: Supermarkets battle to regain trust ... A hard-hitting report by MPs on Thursday said that the scale of contamination in the supermarket meat supply chain … Supply chain lessons from the horsemeat scandal Feature 02 08 2017 by Rachel Sharp Two men were sentenced this week to jail at Inner London crown court in a case that marks the end of the criminal investigation into one of the biggest supply chain scandals of recent years. ... chains last month has resulted in a series of product recalls and thrown the spotlight on the food industry's supply chain. The horsemeat scandal took supermarkets by surprise because they took a complex supply chain too much “on trust” and were over-reliant on … Horse meat scandal sees first convictions posted by Francis Churchill. How did the scandal unfold and what is being done? Tesco, Morrisions, Ikea and even Sedexo, a food servicing company that runs cafeterias for students in schools, have been found to be selling beef products that aren't as beefy as the packaging might suggest. What was the Horsemeat Scandal? 5. To adopt a Commission report on the possibility to extend mandatory origin labelling of all types of meat used as ingredient in foods. How did the horse meat scandal come about? The unfolding horse-meat scandal in Europe is proving to be partly a result of a complex supply chain. "This is a major scandal affecting a huge number of businesses and consumers as once again, the health of the nation is being put at risk with sharp practices in our food supply chains," said a spokesperson. The unfolding horse-meat scandal in Europe is proving to be partly a result of a complex supply chain. Procurement Leaders provides independent strategic research, category intelligence and access to a unique global community aimed at uncovering innovations and driving value. Sarah Butler investigates the supply chain implications after horse DNA was found in burgers and ready meals sold by a number of retailers. If you're in Europe at the moment, you've probably already heard lots of about the recent horse scandal that has came to light over the last month. CIPS warned that supermarkets "still do not have complete control of their end-to-end supply chain", despite the horse meat scandal. DONE What has the EU done so far to address the horse meat scandal? Horse meat forms a significant part of the culinary traditions of many countries, particularly in Europe, South America and Asia.The top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses a year. McDonalds must be feeling quite pleased – they have come out of the scandal “very confident” that there is no horse meat in their foods, due to a simple and transparent supply chain, where they work with local farmers. How did the Commission react to the scandal? LOGISTICS RESEARCH NETWORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Derby, United Kingdom, 9/09/15 .