Different species of snake can often be distinguished by their characteristic color patterns. There are numerous brown striped snakes, for example, but factoring in their their other features, your location and the terrain can help. This snake looks much like the black rat snake, with a black body and white chin. A Yellow Rat Snake climbs a plant. This nervous snake will readily bite in its own defense, though it … The Black Racer strikes! This snake should be given a wide berth, as it is one of the most dangerous snakes in Florida. The Black Racer climbs a tree. A Florida Brown Snake in the grass. Whether you have stumbled across a black snake with white stripes or a red snake with brown blotches, it is always safest to leave snakes alone. It is fast. However, black racers are usually smaller, and tend to have more white markings than rat snakes. ... They’re quite high contrast, too, with a gray-brown background and dark black stripes. Florida Snakes Identification. Look for Stripes and Patterns. There are often a series of tiny black dots along each side of the belly. Pam allows it to free itself. Their bellies are red or orange. A shed snake skin, probably a Racer. The yellow rat snake (above), the most common color morph in Peninsula Florida, is typically yellowish with four brownish black stripes along the body. Florida Water Snake Nerodia fasciata Black phase Banded Water Snake Nerodia fasciata Normal phase Banded Water Snake Nerodia floridana Florida Green Water Snake... Nerodia harteri Brazos Water Snake Nerodia paucimaculata Concho Water Snake Nerodia rhombifer Diamondback Water Snake Nerodia sipedon For example, the rainbow snake has three red stripes that run the length of its back, while the striped crayfish snake has two lightly colored stripes that run down its upper sides and a third yellow stripe that runs down its lower side. Garter Snake: The garter snake is often confused with ‘garden snake’ although this is a name mistake more than anything else. Pam allows it to free itself. This simplified key is an aid to the identification of the snakes of Florida for use by laymen with no technical training in herpetology. Another snake. This snake looks much like the black rat snake, with a black body and white chin. I live in Hobe Sound, Florida and I saw this long brown snake with a black head. One of the most common snakes of Florida, you might spot these in highly populated areas, usually green or brown in colour with stripes of … Juveniles are white to gray with brown or black spots. Last weekend I found a black colored snake with faded brown diamonds in its skin. A Yellow Rat Snake climbs a plant. Found in the northern regions of Florida. Juveniles are white to gray with brown or black spots. It looked to be about five and a half to six feet long and was very fast so I was unable to take a picture of it. I live in Florida and just saw a black snake with yellow stripes on the sides. The timber rattlesnake’s brown and black chevron-like crossbands on a grayish background act as good camouflage, making the snake easy to miss. This snake is a burrower, preferring loose, sandy soils with scattered debris (including tires, wood piles, leaf piles, logs, etc) to use as hiding spots or shelter. This snake was angry at this skull. What Kind of Snake Is a Southern Black Racer? It is fast. It is thought to be North America's fastest snake. A Florida Brown Snake in the grass. They can be easily distinguished from a Diamondback because their pattern runs in horizontal stripes rather than diamond shapes. It is thought to be North America's fastest snake. Some are single uniform colors. A shed snake skin, probably a Racer. They are long slim snakes with a head only slightly wider than their body. Others have dark or light markings organized into stripes, spots, blotches or some other pattern. The Black Racer strikes! The southern black racer (Coluber constrictor priapus) is a common subspecies of the Coluber constrictor.These snakes are non-venomous and are usually found throughout the southeastern United States, especially Florida. Photo by Matthijs Hollanders (http://www.flickr/com/photos/mhollanders) Florida Snakes Visual Identification. How to Identify Snakes With a Stripe Down the Center of the Back ... it is likely a brown snake. There are numerous brown striped snakes, for example, but factoring in their their other features, your location and the terrain can help. Rat snakes can grow to be six feet long (1.8 m).