You should know what they eat, how humid they need their environment to be and any other particular requirements that will help them thrive. Stick insects are part of the order Phasmatodea (also known as phasmids and walking sticks) and are most often found in subtropical tropical habitats—when you can find them, that is. There are more than 3,000 species of walking stick bugs all over the world and in diverse climates, so it's not surprising that not all walking stick bugs look alike. Can walking sticks hurt you? nothing is impossible so yes but, it would have to be pretty stupid and unluck. That said, a small number of bugs are worth avoiding, and you might be surprised to learn how some common insects can be deadly. There are, however, some predatory species of stink bugs that can bite, and a few of the plant-eating stink bugs may also bite if handled. It is easy to see how stick bugs get their name. Can I keep beetles that I found in nature as pets? Beetle grubs have powerful jaws that can bite you once the grubs are big enough. Stick Insects. Wiki User July 14, 2009 6:39PM. Most species of stink bugs cannot bite or sting; their only method of defense is to give off the bad smell so often associated with them. These amazing bugs are hard to spot because they look so much like twigs—until those twigs get up and walk away, that is. The delicate insects must be handled carefully because their legs can easily break off. Among the many varieties of venomous insects, some species are capable of projecting a poisonous or caustic substance from their bodies as a defense mechanism. Contents show Do Stink Bugs … How to Kill a Stink Bug. Most of the 3,000 species of walking sticks resemble small, brown twigs or sticks. Yes, you can as long as they are not protected species. These mouthparts or antlers can also be used against humans and this will hurt, but cannot seriously harm you. This will hurt but is not harmful. Read on to find out how they can be harmful. While their bite may hurt, it … ), you’ll likely be put off by the stink bug. They resemble straight, slender sticks with six long spindly legs and two thread-like antennae. Keeping Stick Insects as Pets. A few species, however, must be handled with care for the harm they can cause. Walking stick bugs from the Phasmida family look like sticks with legs and antennae, or twigs attached to a small branch. Even if you’re someone who likes bugs (yes, they can be fascinating! Stink bugs are commonly known by their distinctive stench, but most people also wonder if they bite humans and pets. In conclusion, stick insects are not difficult to care for as long as you do some basic research first. List of Poisonous Insects That Can Spit By Contributing Writer | Updated September 26, 2017 stick insect image by vladislav susoy from Killing a stink bug can be a messy, unpleasant matter, since many methods will cause the bug to release an extremely pungent odor. they are harmless and fun to mess with, if you nudge their behnd with your shoe, they stick their butt up in the air and they smelt terrible lol. If you leave any dead bugs in tight spaces where you can’t vacuum, they can attract carpet bugs, which might then go after stored foods and woolen products in the house. They’re as well destructive to crops. By hosting and transmitting pathogens that cause diseases, these three common bugs can kill you. Luckily they do not bite but their toxic excrete can be dangerous. Answer. they wont hurt you at all, if you stood in one place they may crawl on you just to get to where they are going, but they move so slow i wouldnt worry ^^ we have them everywhere here too, they are creepy little things but totally harmless.