A lighthearted tale of extreme wanderlust, The Sex Lives of Cannibals chronicles the adventures of Maarten Troost and his fiancé as they abandon their cushy lives in DC for the remote atoll of Tarawa in the equatorial pacific. The Sex Lives of Cannibals. THE SEX LIVES OF CANNIBALS. Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific. Falling into one amusing misadventure after another, Troost struggles through relentless, stifling heat, a variety of deadly bacteria, polluted seas, toxic fish—all in a country where the only music to be heard for miles around is “La Macarena.” The deeds of the 13 real-life cannibals revealed here are sure to turn your stomach. Buy a discounted Paperback of The Sex Lives of Cannibals online from Australia's leading online bookstore. Falling into one amusing misadventure after another, Troost struggles through relentless, stifling heat, a variety of deadly bacteria, polluted seas, toxic fish--all in a country where the only music to be heard for miles around is "La Macarena." More By and About This Author. The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific - Kindle edition by J. Maarten Troost. Booktopia has The Sex Lives of Cannibals, Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific by J. Maarten Troost. We’re considering expanding this synopsis into a full-length study guide to deepen your comprehension of the book and why it's important. The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific [J. Maarten Troost] on Amazon.com. I did just that with Sex Lives of Cannibals and it tuned out to be one of the funniest books I've had in awhile. The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. The Sex Lives of Cannibals, a book by J. Maarten Troost, is not what the title would suggest. "The Sex Lives of Cannibals" tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. It is more a humorous reflection on what lead up to their decision to move to Tarawa and their subsequent adventures living there than an actual travelogue, but there are some good insights and information in the book. The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. The Sex Lives of Cannibals NPR coverage of The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific by J. Maarten Troost. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific. The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. The Sex Lives of Cannibals NPR coverage of The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific by J. Maarten Troost. While the author does exaggerate and fictionalizes at times, who cares? Broadway $12.95 (288p) ISBN 978-0-7679-1530-4. This book recounts the experiences of the author while he lived in Kiribati. DISCLAIMER. The Sex Lives of Cannibals is the hilarious story of their two years on these sun-bleached atolls, and I highly recommend it. At the age of twenty-six, Maarten Troost—who had been pushing the snooze button on the alarm clock of life by racking up useless graduate degrees and muddling through a series of temp jobs—decided to pack up his flip-flops and move to Tarawa The Sex Lives of Cannibals tells the hilarious story of what happens when Troost discovers that Tarawa is not the island paradise he dreamed of. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. ... At age twenty-six, Maarten Troost decided to pack up his flip-flops and move to a remote South Pacific island. The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific - Kindle edition by J. Maarten Troost. With The Sex Lives of Cannibals, Maarten Troost has delivered one of the most original, rip-roaringly funny travelogues in years—one that will leave you thankful for staples of American civilization such as coffee, regular showers, and tabloid news, … Eating the flesh of another human may be one of the most taboo acts imaginable. This summary of The Sex Lives of Cannibals includes a complete plot overview – spoilers included! The Sex Lives of Cannibals book. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.