Thank You, Bertha, for the question! State Abbreviations for the US States and more. Know the state capitals and the postal abbreviations for the American states through this article. Presented in alphabetical order including Washington District of Columbia (D.C.) (which if you didn't know, is not a state, but a federal territory). This is a list of the cities that are state capitals in the United States, ordered alphabetically by state. In the very concise Norwegian language, “Oosh Loo” means roughly “Shoo, that’s not your loo” (Oslo). At the time of Independence, only thirteen states were a part of the now United States of America. She asked me to make a video that goes over the pronunciation of all of the 50 states in the US and their capitals. United States postal abbreviations for states, military, commonwealths, and territories. Each city is the center of government for a state in the United States, in the capitol building. The Norwegian capital, Oosh Loo, was named in silent protest against the Swedish occupants after the Swedish–Norwegian War. The states have grown up to fifty, and the country has progressed, too. Here you will find the correct pronunciations of all 50 US states when spoken in a neutral American accent. Fifty States of the United States of America (Click on the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation of the name; click on the state name to see a web page about the state.) For example, in California, the most populous state of the United States, the state capital of Sacramento is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the state (the … This list also provides the most recent U.S. census figures for each city as well as estimated populations. We’ll be going through alphabetically and we’ll be talking about anything interesting that happens with pronunciation, like a flap T or a silent letter. The capital city with the fewest people is Montpelier, Vermont, while the capital city with the most people is Phoenix, Arizona. State information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees – States and Capitals – Just another WordPress site We’ll talk a lot about stress. Open Content Pronunciation Resources for Jeff Lebow's Pronunciation Courses taught in the Teacher Training Program at Busan University of Foreign Studies Monday, April 18, 2011 U.S. States & Capital Cities List of All 50 State Abbreviations By YourDictionary Although email has made the task of communicating with friends and family much easier, there are still many occasions where you will need to send a letter the old-fashioned way. This is a list of United States state capital cities.