Favorite Answer. From here the Cubango River flows south, through Namibia, away from the sea. The Okavango Delta is an important wildlife area protected by both the Moremi Game Reserve on its eastern edge and the numerous wildlife concessions within Ngamiland. Africa’s Okavango River … It’s the largest reserve and offers safaris for many different budgets. The Okavango Delta is affected by seasonal flooding with flood water from Angola reaching the Delta between March and June, peaking in July. The Okavango Delta is a permanent wetland but its extent ebbs and flows throughout the year as seasonal rains from Angola flood into its basin, replenishing its core permanent marshes and transforming the dry hinterland into a giant watery mosaic, thickly studded with papyrus and lotus. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! OKAVANGO DELTA BOTSWANA. How is it economically important? The 1000th site to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2014, the Okavango Delta is an important wildlife area protected by both the Moremi Game Reserve, on its eastern edge, and the numerous wildlife concessions within Ngamiland. The Okavango Delta is a permanent wetland but its extent ebbs and flows throughout the year as seasonal rains from Angola flood into its basin, replenishing its core permanent marshes and transforming the dry hinterland into a giant watery mosaic, thickly studded with papyrus and lotus. The source of the Okavango Delta flood actually lies in the extremely wet highlands of Angola to the north of Botswana. The word, "Okavango", like "Amazon" and "Congo", evokes the powerful sense of place Lotsa wildlife. 6 years ago. Relevance. Answer Save. It is a rare wetland in that it is a major interior delta system that does not flow to the sea and has the unique characteristic of annual flooding during the dry season. The Okavango Delta comprises permanent marshlands and seasonally flooded plains in the northwest of Botswana. The Okavango Delta is a permanent wetland but its extent ebbs and flows throughout the year as seasonal rains from Angola flood into its basin, replenishing its core permanent marshes and transforming the dry hinterland into a giant watery mosaic, thickly studded with papyrus and lotus. Lv 6. We need you to answer this question! Why is Okavango Delta significant? However, the Delta is known for its superb wildlife with a large population of mammals and excellent birding, particularly in the breeding season. 2 Answers. To date, the Okavango Wilderness Project has discovered 26 species new to science, more than 75 species potentially new to science, and more than 130 species previously unknown in … 0 0 0. Most people are surprised and alarmed when they are told that the Okavango Delta is not a UNESCO World Heritage Site. iansand. Lv 7. Central Okavango Delta. The Okavango Delta is a permanent wetland but its extent ebbs and flows throughout the year as seasonal rains from Angola flood into its basin, replenishing its core permanent marshes and transforming the dry hinterland into a giant watery mosaic, thickly studded with papyrus and lotus. OKAVANGO DELTA, Botswana – Portuguese explorers called it "terra do fim do mundo," land at the end of the Earth. The Okavango Delta is one of Africa’s few remaining pristine wetlands, and since 1997 it has been classified as the world’s largest Wetland of International Importance. This is about to change with nomination scheduled for February next year and declaration in 2014. Surrounded by the Kalahari Desert savannah, this lush wetland is an affirmation of God’s mercy for the hardy inhabitants of … The Okavango Delta is one of the world’s largest inland deltas, and without doubt Africa’s most beautiful oasis. Is it the home to thousands of plants and animals? Moremi is the best destination for budget safaris and self drive safaris in the Okavango. Log in to reply to the answers Post; Ian. Why is the Okavango delta important? And for good reason. 6 years ago. Gathering ever more water until it finally reaches Botswana, where the river becomes known as the Okavango. The Okavango Delta is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in southern Africa and is home to over 1,000 species of plants, more than 480 species of birds, 130 species of mammals, and numerous species of reptiles and fish.