Paleontologists have identified an amazing variety of fossils of at least 23 different kinds and sizes of prehistoric sloths. These animals might be needed to make certain medicine that can cure lots of unwanted diseases. These animals lived in the areas of North America, mainly California. I wonder what kind of impact, if any, they'd produce from simply not existing. Leave a reply. Well, maybe not the poop itself, but what's in it. Every day species that live in the tropical rainforests get extinct and we haven’t even discovered them yet. Salvador, a life-size replica of the extinct Giant Ground Sloth, greets visitors entering the Sloth Sanctuary. ... Three toed sloths are not extinct. Sharks are a big part of every sea ecosystem so if they become extinct most of the ocean ecosystems would be destroyed. Photo Credit: Species Conservation. Relevance. Answer Save. The loss of it is being blamed on the Ice Age. Extinct Giant Ground Sloths. As you probably know, it is never good for humans that an animal becomes extinct. The Spectacled Bear is believed to be related to them. Since the three-toed sloth has more claws, … What animals would be effected if the three toed sloth was extinct? This would shrink there already small habitat even more causing them to … 5.3-2.6 mya) arrived in North America. If Apes Go Extinct, So Could Entire Forests. Every day species that live in the tropical rainforests get extinct and we haven’t even discovered them yet. What would happen to the ecosystem if three toed sloths were extinct? As you probably know, it is never good for humans that an animal becomes extinct. Although the sloth’s population isn’t currently at risk of going extinct, we must work to protect these defenseless creatures and prevent threatening factors before it’s too late. Bonobo poop matters. Megatherium. Prognosis- The future of the Pygmy Three Toed Sloth is not doing great. Giant ground sloth (Megatheriinae) is the common name for several species of large bodied mammals (megafauna) who evolved and lived exclusively on the American continents.The superorder Xenarthrans--which includes anteaters and armadillos--emerged in Patagonia during the Oligocene (34-23 million years ago), then diversified and dispersed throughout South America. Home; About; What would happen if sloths became extinct. Saving sloths could save people too -- thanks to a veritable ecosystem of fungi living in their coats. Related Questions. Hottest Questions. Answer. 2 Answers. Algae grow on sloths’ fur, which helps them camouflage into their surroundings and avoid predators. Reply +59 [-] If nothing else kills it first, a Koala's teeth will wear away entirely, causing it to starve to death. Asked in Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Species, Sloths, Rainforests The U.S. The three-toed sloths are loosing its home due to deforest station and it is hunted by humans for food as well as their claws. The research, published in the scientific journal PLoS One, says that sloth hairs contain compounds that can be used against bacteria, breast cancer cells and the parasites that cause malaria and Chagas' disease. What would happen if sloths became extinct. Lv 5. The first giant ground sloths appeared in South America at least as long ago as the late Miocene (Friasian, 23-5 mya), and by the Late Pliocene (Blancan, ca. Wiki User May 12, 2012 11:27AM. You see, bonobos eat a lot of fruit, and fruit contains seeds. #4 - missingpageremade . Leave a reply. ... What would happen to the ecosystem if three toed sloths were extinct? Favorite Answer. gryfdaddy. It is believed that they went extinct due to changes in their natural environment. what will happen if the sloth becomes extinct? Aside from losing one of the Seven Deadly Sins, you might not notice anything for a while. What would happen if all sloths went extinct? Go. The three-toed sloth lives for some weird reason in other South American rainforests. 1 decade ago. The Cave Bear is believed that became extinct about 27,500 years ago.