"They're purely defensive animals. For example, if a common snake in your area likes to live in piles of leaves and debris, you can try looking for them in a forest. If you find a snake in the garage and can't capture it with a trashcan or glue board, simply close the door to your house and crack open the external doors to allow the snake to escape. How did you handle snakes in your house? What’s your experience? The symbolic meaning of finding a snake at your front door signifies that you have been betrayed. To remove snakes from the pool that is inside you can use a net. If there is a reptile in your house, it should be removed physically. How did you handle snakes in your house? At this point I will try anything! After the first snake, I placed mothballs around the foundation of the house. Once you have located where the snake is then you can get to work on getting it out. Once inside, the pests travel throughout houses inside walls, pipes, and around trusses. Luckily, by checking your doors, windows, vents, and other openings to your home it not only helps make it rattlesnake proof - but also helps eliminate the chances of other critters getting in too. You should also research snakes that live in your area and find out what types of habitats they live in. If you have a venomous snake in your home, or if you capture a venomous snake in a glue trap, leave it alone and call a professional. I’m wondering how to get rid of the snakes. Several people relate horrifying experiences in “Snakes in the House!,” a feature article in The 2011 Old Farmer’s Almanac. Tell us all, because you never know… (To share, just post new comment below.) Seal the entry points, so that there is no other chance left for others to get into. To remove snakes from the pool that is inside you can use a net. If you feel you may want the snake identified or further assistance, call for someone to grab your digital camera or the telephone. For this purpose, it is better to hire a professional or set some traps inside your house. Many snakes will readily soak themselves in standing water. Place a water bowl at the base of a wall. However, simple removal is not enough. However, this is always a possibility. If you have a snake in your house. "That way you're not going to put yourself at risk." You need to remove the snake so as to ensure that you, your family and pets don’t get hurt. How do I get rid of snakes in my house? As a positive symbol, snakes represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom. Question: I have seen two snakes in my house since late November. Depending on their size, snakes may even be able to slither under gaps in doors. If you've properly installed your fence and eliminated hiding spots in your yard, chances are that you can avoid any possibility of having a rattlesnake enter your house. Have you ever had a snake in your house? If you find a snake in the garage and can't capture it with a trashcan or glue board, simply close the door to your house and crack open the external doors to allow the snake to escape. Whatever you do, don't try and catch the snake yourself, especially if you don't know what type of snake it is. If you’ve found a snake in your house—or if you want to avoid finding one, you can snake-proof your home. Third, you can modify your land and seal up your house to help keep snakes away and out of the house. I have people grab the snake by the tail because they think it's going under the house or into the roof," he said. For this purpose, it is better to hire a professional or set some traps inside your house. If a snake has gotten into your house the first thing you have to do is figure out its location. There’s a snake in my backyard, what should I do? Go back to the main Snake Removal page for more information about What to do if you find a shed … If your snake has been loose for a while, chances are that it is thirsty and in need of a long drink. Click here for a wildlife removal specialist in your town! If you see a snake in your garden or house, do not try to catch or kill the snake.