The Top Rated TV Shows list only includes TV series and TV mini series. TV Shows tagged as '1976' by the Listal community. show list info These television shows represent the top ten shows by Neilson ratings for the 1976-1977 programming year, which began in September of 1976. In the end, CBS decides to affiliate with ABC affiliate KREM-TV, while KXLY-TV joins ABC. Sort by: Tag popularity - Top Rated - Top Rated Popular - Want to watch - Release Date - Recently wanted - … may be better in a sortable table format. (November 2018 The move takes effect August 8 at the request of KREM-TV, who wanted to air ABC Sports' entire coverage of the 1976 Summer Olympics. TV Shows > 1976 TV Shows. February 29 The movie The Sound of … The list is … This list (which may have dates, numbers, etc.) The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start … This is a list of animated television series, made-for-television films, direct-to-video films, … Please help improve this list or discuss it on the talk page. For sitcoms, 1976 was a good, if insular, year—three of the shows on this list come from MTM Enterprises, another three from Norman Lear, and three of these shows are spin-offs of other shows … This table displays the top-rated primetime television series of the 1976-77 season as measured by Nielsen Media Research. Set in Gallowshields on Tyneside between the 2 World Wars, this story follows the life of ex-sergeant Jack Ford and the Seaton family as they deal with the aftermath of the Great War, the Great 1920s Depression and trade union activists. All shows were aired on one of the "Big Three" networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC.