In Minecraft, a skeleton horse has 26.5 for health. Yes, you can be struck by lightning: Being struck by lightning or standing near a lightning strike deals two and a half hearts of damage, not including damage from the fire. Wiki User June 29, 2012 11:17PM . The skeleton horses should be the result of a zombie horse being struk by lightning for a second time since the lightning then sears the flesh from the bones. A skeleton trap occurs when a horse is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm which causes the 4 horsemen to spawn. beware of supercharged creepers, they deal a lot of damage. They exist as a result of porting Mo' creatures horses to vanilla minecraft. Since it doesn't deal too much damage you should survive it as long as you aren't damaged too much. r/Minecraft: Minecraft community on reddit. With most horse armor being quite rare, I can foresee many players being angered by this. From Minecraft Wiki < Tutorials. How often are animals struck by lightning? However, if Mojang were to allow their use of … Currently zombie/skeleton horses have no use, cannot be tamed, and can only be spawned through the use of in game commands. Ok I know that it’s kind of rare for a horse to get struck by lightning in Minecraft and you don’t have to believe I saw it but it was on a flat world and it was a few years back like before concrete so if you know anything about that then please let me know Ok I know that it’s kind of rare for a horse to get struck by lightning in Minecraft and you don’t have to believe I saw it but it was on a flat world and it was a few years back like before concrete so if you know anything about that then please let … level 2. roger_mayne. In Minecraft, skeleton horses occur in the game when a regular horse is struck by lightning. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to summon a skeleton trap with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Undead and skeleton horses cannot be equipped with horse armor, so if a normal horse is struck by lightning and turned undead, its armor would either glitch into oblivion or be discarded on the ground and potentially despawn before the player realizes it. My suggestion is to get them breeding is by feeding them zombie flesh with a 2% chance of love mode. A "skeleton trap" horse is a skeleton horse spawned from a fraction of lightning strikes during a thunderstorm (0.75–1.5% chance on Easy, 1.5–4% on Normal, and 2.25–6.75% on Hard, depending on regional difficulty).It despawns after 15 minutes if not triggered. How do you get struck by lightning in minecraft? How to Summon a Skeleton Trap (4 Horsemen) in Minecraft. This is because dead horses cant produce new cells on their own. Source. ... DVM, equine extension veterinarian at the University of Illinois, tells The Horse. How to Summon a Skeleton Trap (4 Horsemen) in Minecraft. And you can do this with spawned-in horses, there's a trapped nbt tag you can spawn it in with that makes it happen. If you get too close, whether it's raining or not it'll be struck by lightning and the horsemen will appear. You're a little late to the party, that snapshot was a while ago. This gives a skeleton horse 53 health points (because 1 heart = 2 health points). However, you still have an "unexpected nighttime", as monsters can spawn, even if there is no rain. To kill a skeleton horse, you need to inflict 53 points of damage. Where to Find Skeleton Horses. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to summon a skeleton trap with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. A skeleton trap occurs when a horse is struck by lightning during a thunderstorm which causes the 4 horsemen to spawn. It is also the fastest type of horse you can get … Horses struck by lightning turn into zombie/skeleton horses. Skeleton horses spawn only from "skeleton traps", when lightning strikes a horse within 4 blocks.