SAVE CANCEL. World. No one knows how many whale sharks are left, but rough estimates put their numbers somewhere in the tens of thousands worldwide. Most sharks live in saltwater, but a couple of species — bull sharks and river sharks — can live in freshwater or saltwater. Fin whale populations currently number between 50,000-90,000. Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) – Population unknown January 27, 2018 Most Endangered 2,495 Views Whale sharks are one of only three filter-feeding sharks in the world and are highly migratory animals. already exists as an alternate of this question. Whales sharks are the largest fish in the world. already exists as an alternate of … There are estimated to be as few as 430 North Atlantic right whales left in the world, including just 100 potential mothers. MERGE CANCEL. Only five right whales have been reported in the Gulf since 1963. Experts estimate that 100 million sharks are killed by people each year. ® Categories Animal Life Mammals Aquatic Mammals Whales Humpback Whales How many whales total are left in the ocean? But tell people how happy you are that the great white shark population is on the rise, and you won’t find many who will join in the celebration. Sharks can be found in all seas around the world. MERGE CANCEL. They are not predatory, like other sharks. The Number Of Sharks Is Growing, Decades After ‘Jaws’ Caused Overfishing In The Atlantic Ocean . SAVE CANCEL. Fin whales (65-80 feet; 80 tons) can be distinguished from other whale species by their "razorback" appearance—a ridge behind their dorsal fin. already exists. It’s understandable. The embryos of mackerel sharks feed on their younger siblings and fertilized eggs while still in the womb. The 15 species of mackerel sharks (Lamniformes) includes the great white shark, basking shark, megamouth shark, goblin shark and thresher shark, among others. They are found in the waters of California and the Arctic. The whale shark is the biggest fish and shark in the world. already exists. In fact, their feeding habits are more like a whale's. There are approximately about 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 whale sharks left in the wild. Fishing captain spots one of world's most endangered whales off Naples coast. These gentle marine giants roam the oceans around the globe, generally alone. How many whales total are left in the ocean? There are only about 360 right whales left in the wild. By Elana Glowatz @ElanaGlow 03/01/17 AT 3:27 PM. Great White Sharks now more endangered than tigers with just 3,500 left in the oceans Most watched News videos Robert Kelly and family return to BBC News after infamous interview The fin whale comes in as the second largest mammal in the world. How many borneo sharks are left in the world? They are found all over the world and in shallow water to the deep sea. Unfortunately, many shark species are under attack and are decreasing in numbers every year. Would you like to merge this question into it? Would you like to merge this question into it? How Many Sharks Are Left? ® Categories Animal Life Fish Saltwater Fish Sharks Tiger Sharks How many borneo sharks are left in the world?