In the same year, YouTube continued to reach out to mainstream media, launching YouTube Comedy Week and the YouTube Music Awards. A lot of people want to make hilarious Let’s Plays and get as popular on YouTube as PewDiePie. YouTube Gaming is a gaming hub which was created for gamers and launched in 2015. When it comes to choosing among the best gaming platform, it’s really just a matter of preference. How to Record Video Game Footage for YouTube. Loading... Unsubscribe from YouTube God? The equipment for starting a YouTube video gaming channel is different than starting a typical YouTube Channel. This feature is not available right now. Gaming Video Ideas. This video is unavailable. Let’s Plays are essential to any gaming channel, but if they are all you post then it is hard to get attention. Here you can find a wide variety of gaming videos and live streams, chat with other gamers, get the latest news, share your videos and build your own audience. If its a topic or game that isnt very popular, then less people will watch your videos. Gather the right tools – start with software! While time spent viewing gaming videos increased year-over-year in 2012, much of that growth was fueled by video consumption on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.In 2012, one in three views of gaming-related videos occurred on a tablet or smartphone, nearly double that of 2011. Most videos are shot through a camera, although some are shot through a laptop depending on what kind of content you feature in your video. Rating is available when the video has been rented. Here is a list of YouTube gaming video ideas that might help bring in new viewers. ... Gaming videos are really popular on YouTube and there are plenty of video ideas for gamers! Watch Queue Queue. However, you don't want to enter into a flooded market such as minecraft. Watch Queue Queue There is a lot of competition. On December 21, 2012, Gangnam Style became the first YouTube video to surpass one billion views. Through YouTube, you have the power to connect with a large and diverse audience. ... Any forum or message board will tell you that there is no one right way to share your gaming footage on YouTube… 1. Topic/Subject-Make sure that your youtube channel is doing a good subject. If you are unsure when you started on youtube you can look at the date of your first youtube video or check the information tab on your channel to see when you created your channel. Gameplay. 1. In March 2013, the number of unique users visiting YouTube every month reached 1 billion. One of the best things about YouTube is that you can engage with and grow a community no matter what you’re passionate about—whether it’s comedy, sports, fashion, gaming, food, or simply everyday life. First gaming video YouTube God. Hey guys thank you for checking out my channel I really appreciate it Before you start a YouTube gaming channel, you need to understand the tools. Welcome to YouTube's Spotlight channel, your daily go-to for discovering what's new and trending around the world. 63.