Lets just start by saying that the finest down in the world comes from a duck. Once you've reached the exalted realms of down sleeping pillows, you're going to be cradled in softness. Feather Duvets: Down duvets Use duck or goose feather found in the outer part of the bird, which covers large sections of their body. There are, however, a number of considerations that need to be made before purchasing any of these pillow. If you're not "in the know" you may be led to believe that goose down is better than duck down across the board and that's not necessarily the case. It has a short or vestigial rachis (shaft), few barbs, and barbules that lack hooks. See our Goose feather vs Duck feather chart below for a clear understanding or our Duvet Comparison Chart to look at all the duvet fillings available. Surprised? Either duck feather or goose feathers are used, with goose feather duvets being slightly more expensive and often better quality than duck feather duvets. One reason is because there is less goose down available. You wouldn't be completely wrong, but you wouldn't be … The word down comes from the Old Norse word dúnn, which had the same meaning as its modern equivalent. Once you have tried a good quality down duvet you'll never go back to synthetic again. These feathers are typically very soft and tender and have a spine that stretches towards the middle (also being called “quilt”) originally intended to help keep birds warm and comfortable when flying. Read Reviews of Feather and Down Duvets Choosing between goose down duvet or a duck down duvet is a decision which perplexes many prospective duvet buyers. The down feather is considered to be the most "straightforward" of all feather types. Goose down is a lot more expensive than duck down. Standard Fiber’s down and feather factory is registered and meets U.S. standards and guidelines. Because a duck’s diet is usually more diverse (a goose only eats grass), goose down also tends to have fewer odor problems than duck. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding the differences between goose and duck down which we hope to do away with. This is because fewer people eat goose than duck. If you are looking for … Feather is always best, Goose down is expensive but very well worth it. Goose Down Duvet vs Duck Down Duvet. As a result, duck down, which is easier to obtain, is used in most non-luxury down products. Now I lay me down to ... contemplate the relative merits of goose down versus duck down in the pillow under my tired head.