They should have found another “stock” photo of one of those lean, mean fighting machine rotties and put that up instead of the one they did. She doesn't own DASH. Coyotes survive by hunting and many carry disease. A rottweiler could kill a doberman, but the doberman could also kill the rottweiler since it is faster. After all what would the story have been if a coyote had attacked and killed a chihuahua? I wouldn’t recommend having a domesticated dog fight with a coyote or any other wild animal. My dog is German Shepard, Golden Retriever mix 65 lbs runs 5 miles with me daily. HA ! The story becomes much more embellished when we can say a coyote attacked and killed a Rottweiler, right. They also travel in packs, making any pet dog vulnerable. Well, I love the woman who said no. Asked in Doberman Pinschers ... A coyote can only kill a young deer or an unguarded fawn. BEST COYOTE KILLER BREEDS - SUGGESTIONS! ... One thing to remember is that any large dog can kill a single coyote if they can catch them.